January Move-in day and What to Expect!

Move-in dates
January 2025 Move-in will be on January 2nd! We will have staff available to help you get situated in your new home. The Dining Hall will be open and ready for all new students on the Meal Plans. Family is welcomed to come along, but we will not be allowing any overnight guest during Move-in Week.
No early arrivals
We want to ensure that all of our students are properly supported when they move in. Since all departments will be closed for the Holiday break, we will not be accepting any early move-in requests. During our designated Move-in Days, all of the student support departments, including the Dining Hall, will be open and prepared to help our new arriving students.
Prepare for the winter weather
During the month of January, temperatures can drop below -25 C with large amounts of snow. Make sure that you arrive with warm winter clothes and footwear. If you do not have access to winter clothing, stores such as Walmart, Canadian Tire, Dollarama and thrift shops have winter clothes available to purchase.
No Overnight Guests during Move-in Week
Move-in can be an exciting new experience for our students. It can also be a little nerve wracking moving away from home for the first time. To ensure our students feel comfortable in their new homes, please do not bring any overnight guests during Move-in Week. The presence of non-residents can sometimes cause stress on suite mates after moving in to a brand new space.
What to Bring!
You are also probably wondering - What should I bring and what should I leave at home?
Each Residence suite is fully furnished with a dining table and chairs, small sofa, coffee table, a captain’s bed, desk, and desk chair. We suggest that you bring personal items, toiletries, pillows and linens, bath towels, a computer, and other electronics if you wish. You can always pop by the UNBC Bookstore to pick up some essentials and things to decorate your room. Don't forget to print out our Move-in checklist.
Arriving Late?
Please contact housing@unbc.ca to inform us on your late arrival. Students who do not contact us withing 3 days of move in are subjected to losing there place within UNBC Housing.