Senate Committees

The links to Senate committees below outline each committee's terms of reference and current membership.

Senate Committee Vacancies. Note: In the list of vacancies and the Senate committee membership, the symbol "† " denotes that an appointment by Senate is pending. To apply to serve on a Senate committee, please complete the appropriate application form found here.

For further information regarding Senate committees, please contact Alexandra Parent

Committee Chair
Steering Committee of Senate (SCS)  Geoff Payne
Senate Committee on Nominations (SCN)  Maik Gehloff
Senate Committee on Admissions and Degrees (SCAD) Jill Mitchell Nielsen
Senate Committee on Academic Affairs (SCAAF) Bill Owen
Senate Committee on Student Appeals  (SCA)  Tammy Klassen-Ross  
SCAAF Art Acquisition Subcommittee (SAAS)  
Senate Committee on Curriculum and Calendar(SCCC) Heather Empey
Senate Committee on Indigenous Initiatives Membership (SCII) Penina Harding
Senate Committee on Honorary Degrees and Other Forms of Special Recognition (SCHDSR) Geoff Payne
Senate Committee on Scholarships and Bursaries (SCSB)  Paula Wood-Adams
Senate Committee on University Budget (SCUB) Maik Gehloff