INTS Major on Exchange in Osaka, Japan

Yeva Mattson

Hello! My name is Yeva Mattson and I'm a Global and International Studies Major in UNBC. I am currently studying in Osaka, Japan and I cannot recommend it enough. Japan is a beautiful country with a rich history and culture. Its people are very welcoming and I've made lots of friends while here. Japan is such an awesome place from the diverse delicious food to the amazing architecture to the difficult yet interesting language. The staff of Osaka International University are always available to help students and people even on the street are happy to lend a hand if you get lost. I’ve enjoyed festivals and tours and simply walking around my neighborhood. It’s never a quiet moment! I highly recommend doing a year abroad for schooling to experience a new place and culture. Just remember, don't focus wholly on school! You have to enjoy where you are, meet new people, and try new things!