Economic Development Framework of Small Communities in Canada

Community and Economic Development and Transformation


In 2003 – 2004, the Community Development Institute partnered with the Rural and Small Town Studies Centre at Mount Allison University on a project to create an analytical tool to assess the size, population density, economic characteristics, and economic maturity status of small communities in Canada.  The project developed a framework by which to gauge the stage of economic development of small communities, and the presence and direction of any trends. The project was funded by CMHC as a result of their interest in Special Risk Communities.

The project included 4 phases:

Phase I – develop an inventory of “small” communities, with appropriate definitions/rationales

An Inventory of "Small" Communities

An Inventory of "Small" Communities - Literature Review

Phase II – develop a method for “clustering” communities into economic sectors or activities

Economic Clustering Approaches for Small Communities - Literature Review

Concentrations of Labour Force Activity

Socio-Economic Characteristics of Economic Clusters

Classification of Communities into Economic Sectors

Phase III – develop a framework for assessing stage of economic development activity

Framework to Document Small Communities - Literature Review

Phase IV – test framework with real world Canadian examples

Economic Development Framework of Small Communities in Canada - Final Report