Selected Publications

Hemsworth,D., Sánchez-Rodríguez, C. & Bidgood, B. (2007). Information systemsin purchasing:

          the impact on internal customer satisfaction within aquality management framework. 

          International Journal of IntegratedSupply Management, 3(2), 172-199. 

Hemsworth, D., Sanchez-Rodriguez, C.& Bidgood, B. (2008).  A structural model of the impact of

          quality management practices and purchasing-related information systemson purchasing

          performance: a TQM perspective.  Total QualityManagement and Business Excellence,

          19(2), pp. 151-164. 

Hemsworth,D., Sanchez-Rodriguez, C. & Bidgood, B. (2005).  Determiningthe impact of quality

         management practices and purchasing-related informationsystems on purchasing

         performance.  Journal of Enterprise InformationManagement, 18(2), 169-194.  

Bidgood,B., Holosko, M. & Taylor, L. (2003).  A New Working Definitionof Social Work Practice:

         A Turtle's View.  Research on SocialWork Practice, 13(3), 400-408.  

Bidgood,B. A. & Pancer, M. S. (2002).  An Evaluation of ResidentialTreatment Programs for

          Young Offenders in the Waterloo Region. CanadianJournal of Community Mental Health,   

          20(2), 125-145. 

Tutty,L., Bidgood, B., Rothery, M. & Bidgood, P. (2001).  An evaluationof men's batterer treatment

          groups.  Research on SocialWork Practice, 11(6), 645-670.  

Tutty,L., Bidgood, B. & Rothery, M. (1996).  Evaluating the effectof group process and client

          variables in support groups for batteredwomen.  Research on Social Work Practice, 6(3),


Tutty,L., Bidgood, B. & Rothery, M.  (1993).  Support groupsfor battered women: Research on

          their efficacy. Journal of FamilyViolence, 8(4), 325-343.  

Bidgood,B. & Cameron, G. (1992). Meal/snack missing and dietary adequacyof primary school

          children.  Journal of the Canadian DieteticAssociation, 53(2), 164-168.