UNBC celebrates 19th Convocation

May 23, 2012

More than 750 students will be graduating from the University of Northern British Columbia this year, pushing the total number of UNBC alumni to nearly 10 thousand. The largest ceremonies will be held on campus in the Charles Jago Northern Sport Centre this Friday, followed by graduation events in Terrace, Gitwinksihlkw, and Quesnel next week.

Schedule of events

May 25 – Prince George – Charles Jago Northern Sport Centre – 9:30 am

Two ceremonies will be held on UNBC’s Prince George campus. The morning event (starting with student registration at 8:00am followed by the ceremony at 9:30am) will be for the graduates from the College of Science and Management (CSAM) while the afternoon ceremony (beginning at 2:30 pm) will be for the graduates from the College of Arts and the Social and Health Sciences (CASHS). Both ceremonies will be in the Northern Sport Centre. Honorary degrees will be presented to John Furlong (morning ceremony) and Dr. Cindy Blackstock (afternoon ceremony). A CSAM group photo will be on the steps in UNBC’s agora courtyard at 11:45 am. A CASHS group photo will be held at the same location at 1:15 pm. There will be a large barbeque lunch for all grads and their guests from 11:00am-2: 00 pm in the courtyard with live music and entertainment.

May 28 – Terrace – Waap Galts’ap Community House – 2 pm

Twenty students will be graduating in Terrace this year, including two firsts: the first Bachelor of Science (integrated) student to convocate in Terrace, Eric Lennert, and the first Master of Arts in First Nations Studies, Sandra Martin Harris, who is from Houston, BC. There will also be students graduating with degrees in Master of Education, Bachelor of Arts, and Bachelor of Education. Twelve Bachelor of Science-Nursing degrees will also be conferred.

May 29 – Wilp Wilxo'oskwhl Nisga'a (WWN) –– Ts’oohl Ts’ap Hall - 1 pm

There are seven students graduating from the Wilp Wilxo'oskwhl Nisga'a Institute (WWN) this year, most of whom are the first generation of their family to have achieved a post-secondary education. This year’s graduates include Carey Stewart, who will graduate with his Master of Education in Multi-Disciplinary Leadership, and was recently named the principal of Nisga’a Elementary School in New Aiyansh. Stewart also earned a BA from UNBC in 2003.

May 31 – Quesnel – North Cariboo Community Campus - 2 pm 

More than 20 UNBC students are graduating this year in Quesnel, including 12 BSc Nursing students, three students with certificates in First Nations Languages, one Master of Social Work, one Master of Arts in Disability Management, a BSc Psychology, a BSc Mathematics, and a Bachelor of Arts degree.

Convocation highlights

The Governor General’s gold medal for academic achievement will be presented to Mireille Rizkalla of Toronto, who is graduating with a Master’s Degree in Psychology. Randi Woodbeck of Houston, BC, who will be graduating with a Bachelor of Science degree, will be receiving the silver medal. These medals are annually presented to the top students graduating with master/doctoral degrees (gold), and bachelor’s degrees (silver).

There will be a separate valedictorian for each ceremony, providing remarks on behalf of the graduating class. Caleb Tarzwell of Chilliwack, who is graduating with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics and Economics, will be the valedictorian for the morning ceremony.  Cassandra McCroy of Penticton will be addressing the class at the afternoon ceremony and is graduating with her Master of Social Work degree.

Several University Achievement Awards will be handed out to faculty during convocation. Dr. Ron Thring will receive an award for Professional Practice, Mentorship, or Stewardship. Drs. Darwyn Coxson, Youmin Tang, Sungchul Choi, and instructor Roy Rea will receive awards for exceptional research and scholarship. Drs. Michael Gillingham, Peter Jackson, Kathy Lewis, and Blanca Schorcht will receive awards for service to the community and their professions. Drs. Alex Arvind, Scott Green, Jason Lacharite, and Loraine Lavallee will receive student-nominated awards for exceptional teaching