During Reading Week, UNBC Student Life Keeps Boredom at Bay

February 21, 2012

This week is Reading Week at the University of Northern British Columbia, a mid-semester break when most students head off on vacation or home to visit their families. It’s the responsibility of the Student Life Coordinator to help ensure that those students who opt to remain at school have a fun, social experience.
“I’d say about 60-70 percent of the 530 students in residence leave campus during Reading Week. Those who remain no longer have the structure provided by class and schoolwork to take up their time so they can get a bit bored and lonely,” says Student Life coordinator and UNBC graduate student, Jennifer Nguyen. “To help, we’ve got a bunch of fun activities lined up. We want to see students out there, engaged, and being social!”
Student Life-led activities this week include a “Bodyspirit Fusion Stress Buster Dance Class” on Monday, a yoga session called “YOGAttabekiddin’ – YOGA FOR A TOONIE??” on Tuesday, and a cross country skiing expedition through Forests for the World on Thursday. In addition, there are nearly 100 student services and clubs available for students at the University.
“We’ve hosted dozens of awesome events this school year already, many of which attracted hundreds of participants, such as the Exam Jam we had recently. It’s a full day of instructed study sessions where students can prep for exams while having stress buster events and free food to fill their brains and bellies,” says Nguyen. “We’re always interested in seeing what students find useful and engaging and to make sure we offer a variety of events to pique a variety of interests.”
Other successful events held recently by Student Life include an Improv Night in the spirit of Whose Line is it Anyway and hosted by local comedy troupe Improv Ad Nauseum, a “Dive In” movie screening of the movie Jaws at the Aquatic Centre, where students swam and ate pizza while watching the film, and a canning workshop where participants learned about food security and how to can their own food.
“UNBC provides so much for students. The Student Life department holds events at least once a week throughout the whole academic year so we’re always creating new and fun ways for students to engage with the University, the Prince George community, and with each other. We really want students to know that we’re here for them—especially during down times like Reading Week,” says Nguyen.

Those interested in participating or finding further information can visit the Student Life web page.

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UNBC Student Life Coordinator Jennifer Nguyen wants students to join her on a ski through Forests for the World on Wednesday.

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