Canada West Says “Yes” to UNBC

UNBC to Join University League in 2012
September 20, 2011

The Canada West Universities Athletics Association has voted in favour of the University of Northern British Columbia’s most recent application for full membership.  A special meeting was called last week to revisit the University of Northern British Columbia’s membership application. The positive outcome of this most recent vote means that UNBC will compete in Canada’s top university athletic association in both basketball and soccer.
“I am very excited for our region, our amazing fans, and our student-athletes and coaches as we take this large step forward to bringing the best and brightest to UNBC and our community,” says UNBC President George Iwama.  “Canada West’s decision allows their Association to reach the very deserving families and youth of northern British Columbia and further provides UNBC the opportunity to be a sport leader in the region.”
UNBC and its basketball program first applied for Canada West membership in 2008. That initial application was denied in May 2010. Since that time UNBC broadened its application to include men’s and women’s soccer. As a result of a very close negative vote in June 2011, the Canada West board of directors asked UNBC for a new application in July.  It is on the strength of this submission that the Canada West membership has now accepted UNBC’s application. 
“Though we know that the transition to Canada West may not be without some short-term challenges, we are excited.  As a community, we have witnessed great accomplishments by our student-athletes and their unwavering pursuit of excellence will only be strengthened by this decision,” says Dr Iwama.
UNBC needed support from at least 75% of the Canada West membership and received more than 84% support. As a result, UNBC now becomes a probationary full-member of the Association. Both the men’s and women’s basketball and soccer teams are scheduled to commence play in Canada West in 2012-13.
UNBC’s acceptance into the Association brings the total number of Canada West members to 16: 13 full and 3 probationary. Canada West is one of four conferences in Canadian Interuniversity Sport.

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Canada West is one of four conferences within Canadian Interuniversity Sport (CIS).


The Men's Northern Timberwolves basketball team has won one provincial and one national title and hosted the CCAA National Championship Tournament. The Women's team won a BCCAA provincial title in 2008.

Contact:Jason Kerswill, Director of Athletics, UNBC - 250.960.6358