UNBC Graduate Students Receiving Fellowships for Climate Change Research

Media Release

September 17, 2009

Three researchers at the University of Northern British Columbiaare receiving fellowships from the Pacific Institute of ClimateSolutions (PICS). Masters candidate Alex Schare is being awarded afellowship for his research into the relationship between air trafficand climate change in BC, while previous recipients Ian Picketts andKathryn Hrinkevich, are receiving additional funding for their workstudying the climate change adaptation of BC municipalities and pinebeetle outbreaks, respectively.

PICS director Tom Pederson says all of the fellowships represent amajor investment in ensuring BC decision-makers have up-to-date,relevant research to help guide mitigation and adaption policydecisions. “Climate change is one of the greatest challenges facing ourprovince, and indeed our planet,” says Dr. Pederson. “Without soundinformation to guide government, industry and our communities, we riskfailure in mitigating and preparing for its worst impacts, and riskmissing opportunities presented by the emerging green economy.”

Below is additional information on the PICS Fellowships being awarded to UNBC's researchers:

Alex Schare, Masters Candidate, International Studies Program
Alex Schare is receiving a new fellowship for his research into therelationship between air traffic and climate change in BC, with the aimof finding solutions for reducing aviation emissions.  According to theUnited Nations, international aviation emissions from developedcountries rose by 65.8% between 1990 and 2005.

Ian Picketts, Masters Candidate, Natural Resources and Environmental Studies
Ian Picketts is receiving additional funding for his research intoclimate change adaptation among BC municipalities, which includes thedevelopment of a preparation strategy for Prince George.

Kathryn Hrinkevich, PhD Candidate, Natural Resources and Environmental Studies
Kathryn Hrinkevich is receiving additional funding to determine themagnitude and synchrony of historical Mountain Pine Beetle outbreaks inthe forests of northern BC, and to relate those with changes inrelevant climate factors that influence today’s beetle population.

The Institute, hosted and led by the University of Victoria, isawarding 15 new fellowships and extending the existing researchscholarships of seven other graduate students. PICS is a collaborationof BC’s four research-intensive universities, the University ofVictoria, the University of British Columbia, Simon Fraser University,and UNBC.

Click to view the official release from PICS.
Click for further information on Graduate Fellowships.

Media Downloads

Click on the thumbnail to open a highresolution image of PICS Fellowship winners Alex Schare, Kathryn Hrinkevich, and Ian Picketts.

PICS Fellowships

Three researchers at the University of Northern British Columbiaare receiving fellowships from the Pacific Institute of ClimateSolutions (PICS). Masters candidate Alex Schare is being awarded afellowship for his research into the relationship between air trafficand climate change in BC, while previous recipients Ian Picketts andKathryn Hrinkevich, are receiving additional funding for their workstudying the climate change adaptation of BC municipalities and pinebeetle outbreaks, respectively.

PICS director Tom Pederson says all of the fellowships represent amajor investment in ensuring BC decision-makers have up-to-date,relevant research to help guide mitigation and adaption policydecisions. “Climate change is one of the greatest challenges facing ourprovince, and indeed our planet,” says Dr. Pederson. “Without soundinformation to guide government, industry and our communities, we riskfailure in mitigating and preparing for its worst impacts, and riskmissing opportunities presented by the emerging green economy.”

Below is additional information on the PICS Fellowships being awarded to UNBC's researchers:

Alex Schare, Masters Candidate, International Studies Program
Alex Schare is receiving a new fellowship for his research into therelationship between air traffic and climate change in BC, with the aimof finding solutions for reducing aviation emissions.  According to theUnited Nations, international aviation emissions from developedcountries rose by 65.8% between 1990 and 2005.

Ian Picketts, Masters Candidate, Natural Resources and Environmental Studies
Ian Picketts is receiving additional funding for his research intoclimate change adaptation among BC municipalities, which includes thedevelopment of a preparation strategy for Prince George.

Kathryn Hrinkevich, PhD Candidate, Natural Resources and Environmental Studies
Kathryn Hrinkevich is receiving additional funding to determine themagnitude and synchrony of historical Mountain Pine Beetle outbreaks inthe forests of northern BC, and to relate those with changes inrelevant climate factors that influence today’s beetle population.

The Institute, hosted and led by the University of Victoria, isawarding 15 new fellowships and extending the existing researchscholarships of seven other graduate students. PICS is a collaborationof BC’s four research-intensive universities, the University ofVictoria, the University of British Columbia, Simon Fraser University,and UNBC.

Click to view the official release from PICS.
Click for further information on Graduate Fellowships.

Media Downloads

Click on the thumbnail to open a highresolution image of PICS Fellowship winners Alex Schare, Kathryn Hrinkevich, and Ian Picketts.

PICS FellowshipsFrom left: Alex Schare, Kathryn Hrinkevich, and Ian Picketts.


Michael Kellett, Communications Officer, UNBC - 250.960.5621
Alex Schare, Graduate Student, UNBC - 250.962.1939, C -250.961.3052