Federal Government Commits Funding to Commercialize New Beetlewood Concrete Product

Media Release

September 2, 2008

The Prince George economy will benefit, thanks to two investments bythe Government of Canada, through Western Economic DiversificationCanada (WD).

Federal funding of $443,631 was announced today by the Honourable JayHill, Secretary of State, Chief Government Whip and Member ofParliament for Prince George—Peace River, on behalf of the HonourableRona Ambrose, President of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada,Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs and Minister of Western EconomicDiversification and the Honourable Gary Lunn, Minister of NaturalResources. Funding is provided under the Community EconomicDiversification Initiative (CEDI), a component of the federal MountainPine Beetle Program.

"Identifying training and commercialization opportunities for PrinceGeorge will contribute to solving the ongoing issues of how to bestutilize Mountain Pine Beetle damaged wood and develop our miningsector," said Secretary of State Hill. "As a result of this funding,the University of British Columbia and the Prince George NechakoAboriginal Employment and Training Association will be positioned tostrengthen the local economy."

"The projects announced today are examples of how the Government ofCanada is addressing the needs of communities affected by the MountainPine Beetle infestation," said Minister Lunn. "Through this support,our government is helping impacted communities turn challenges intoeconomic opportunities."

CEDI funding of $288,957 will assist the Prince George NechakoAboriginal Employment and Training Association, (PGNAETA) deliver amining training program at two full-service bush campsites in theSmithers area.  The training program aims to provide transferableskills to First Nations interested in exploring mining as an employmentoption, and to increase the pool of skilled mine workers within theindustry.

"Our Association is very pleased with the funding partnership announcedby Western Economic Diversification this afternoon," said Karin Hunt,Executive Director of Prince George Nechako Aboriginal Employment andTraining Association. "One of the pillars and fundamental principles ofour labour market strategy, is to prepare the First Nations labourforce for increased participation in existing and emergingindustries.  With the imminent downturn of the forest industry,our attention has turned to other markets that show growth potentialand thus, a growing need for a skilled and safety consciousworkforce.  New employment opportunities are rising in the miningindustry and in site exploration.  That, coupled with the factthat the First Nations labour force is the fastest growing labour forcein Canada, presents a “perfect storm” scenario.  We believe,working in partnership with federal and provincial government agencies,such as Western Economic Diversification, and industry, we cancoordinate an effective response. "  

A second CEDI investment of $154,674 will help the University ofNorthern British Columbia (UNBC) conduct market research to helpcommercialize Mountain Pine Beetle Wood Concrete Products. MountainPine Beetle Wood Concrete Product (MPBWCP) is a recent innovativematerial made by mixing cement with water and aggregate. This newenvironmentally friendly product provides a significant value-addedalternative to pulp, and is a highly attractive and unique alternativebuilding product because it combines the structural strength ofconcrete and the aesthetic quality of wood.

"The development of this beetlewood-concrete product has attracted morepublic interest than any other UNBC research project to date," saysInterim UNBC President, Charles Jago. "This is the sixth CEDI projectawarded to UNBC. Together, these investments will enable UNBC to worktogether with its local and regional partners to realize newopportunities in the wake of the pine beetle infestation."

Managed by WD, CEDI will invest more than $33 million over two yearstowards projects in communities most at risk from the Mountain PineBeetle infestation. The program supports a wide range of projects thatfurther economic growth, job creation and future communitysustainability.

The CEDI program is part of the Government of Canada’s $200 millioncomprehensive response to mitigate the short- and long-term effects ofthe Mountain Pine Beetle infestation on B.C.’s forestry sector. Thisfederal Mountain Pine Beetle Program is led by Natural ResourcesCanada, in collaboration with WD and Transport Canada.

WD is a department of the Government of Canada that works inpartnership with the provinces, industry associations and communitiesto promote the development and diversification of the western economyand to represent the interests of the West in national decision-making.

For more information on the federal Mountain Pine Beetle Program, please visit: http://mpb.cfs.nrcan.gc.ca/

Rob van Adrichem, Director of Media and Public Relations, UNBC - 250.960.5622

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Below: Beetlewood concrete inventor, and UNBC graduate, Sorin Pasca. 


Below: MP Jay Hill makes the announcement of CEDI funding.