Media Release

February 29, 2008

The University of Northern British Columbia will be hosting adistinguished Canadian during events to mark International Women’s Day.Nova Scotia Lieutenant Governor Mayann E. Francis will visit PrinceGeorge on March 6th and 7th and speak on the theme of “Strong Women.Strong World?”

Ms. Francis is the first African Nova Scotian and only the second womanto be named Lieutenant Governor in Nova Scotia, a position thatpre-dates Confederation by more than 100 years. Since her installationin 2006, Her Honour has brought a unique and wide-ranging perspectiveto her role as the Queen’s representative in Nova Scotia. She grew upin the Cape Breton Island community of Whitney Pier, at one time one ofthe most ethnically diverse communities in Atlantic Canada. She startedher career as an x-ray technologist then went on to earn certificatesand degrees from Saint Mary’s University, New York University, CornellUniversity, and the Atlantic School of Theology. In 1999, Ms. Franciswas named CEO of the Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission.  

Her Honour’s presentations in Prince George are scheduled as follows:

  • Friday, March 7, 3:00pm, Atrium of the Administration building
  • Saturday, March 8, 9:00am, Ramada Inn International Women’s DayBreakfast. Tickets are required for this event: contactsussanneskidmore@telus.net or call 564-4752 for more information.

“This year’s theme draws in part from one of the firmly held beliefsunderlying the modern women’s movement: that empowered women bringabout positive and fundamental social change as well as secure abrighter future for everyone,” says event organizer and UNBC graduate,Helen Domshy. “Mayann Francis is proof and she will no doubt challengeeach of us to consider how we are helping to make our community abetter place for all.”

Her Honour’s visit is being sponsored by the Hamber Foundation and the Women’s and Gender Studies department at UNBC.

Helen Domshy, Event Organizer – 250.564.4288
Rob van Adrichem, Director of Media and Public Relations, UNBC – 250.960.5622