Information for Prospective Students About High School Grades and Provincial Exams

Media Release

February 4, 2008

The Government of British Columbia has changed some of the rulesregarding provincial exams and UNBC has responded by making somechanges regarding our admission requirements for students coming to theUniversity directly from high school.
Secondary school students from BC and the Yukon no longer need toprovide their provincial exam results for optional exams. Instead, theUniversity will use the grade provided by the school. For those coursesthat have mandatory provincial exams, UNBC will use the blended grade(a combination of the school grade and the results of the provincialexam) to assess whether an applicant meets UNBC's admissionrequirements.
In order to be eligible for admission to UNBC, students mustsuccessfully complete an approved grade 12 program leading tograduation. The precise admission requirements vary somewhatdepending on the degree program selected by a student. For details, click here.
The new admission requirements outlined above do not apply to theEnvironmental Engineering degree. The entrance requirements for thisprogram remain unchanged and students are required to write twoprovincially examinable Science 12 courses.

If you're a high school student, click here for more information on becoming a student at UNBC.
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