CNC and UNBC to Implement Dual Admission System

Media Release

December 20, 2007

The College of New Caledonia and the University of Northern BritishColumbia have signed a memorandum of agreement that will see the twoinstitutions move to a joint admissions process. As a result, studentswho are admitted to one institution would automatically qualify foradmission to the other.

The agreement commits both institutions to implement a dual admissionsystem by the Fall of 2008. It was signed today by the presidents ofboth institutions.

 “We already know that many students transfer between our twoinstitutions,” says Jim Randall, Acting Provost at UNBC. “In fact, UNBCgets more students from CNC than from any other school and many UNBCstudents take advantage of course offerings at CNC to meet their degreerequirements. This agreement further strengthens the relationshipbetween the college and university.”

“The college is committed to providing students seamless transition toUniversity,” says Lynn Jacques, Vice-President Academic at CNC. “Thispartnership builds upon the CNC-UNBC relationship and provides studentsanother pathway to fulfill their educational goals.”

CNC and UNBC collaborate on a variety of programs and share a campus inQuesnel. The Nursing program, for example, is jointly delivered by bothinstitutions, and other degree programs allow students to transfer CNCcoursework as a block towards completing a degree with UNBC.


Steve Raper, Manager of Marketing and Enrollment Services, CNC – 250.562.2131 ext 5869

Rob van Adrichem, Director of Media and Public Relations, UNBC – 250.960.5622

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Above (from left to right): CNC PresidentJohn Bowman and UNBC President Don Cozzetto.