2007: UNBC Year in Review

Media Release

December 14, 2007

The University of Northern British Columbia is entering 2008 with twomajor new buildings, an increased number of program options forstudents, and a record student enrolment. Following are highlights from2007.

A new UNBC campus in Terrace opens, nearly tripling UNBC’s space in thecommunity…. Alex Michalos is named UNBC’s fourth Chancellor…. The Boardof Governors approves a three-year budget plan for UNBC, aimed attrimming a total of $6 million in costs…. UNBC students capture topawards at western Canada’s largest business competition.

A research team led by Dr. Chow Lee publishes discoveries related tothe genetic factors behind the growth and aggressiveness of cancercells…. The Social Work program starts a certificate in child welfarefor Aboriginal social workers.

Physics professor Matt Reid announces a world record in producingbursts of terahertz energy that enable researchers to see inside oftrees…. UNBC and Grande Prairie Regional College collaborate in thedelivery of a master of education in northern Alberta.

A $2 million anonymous donation to the Northern Medical Programs Trustfulfills the Trust’s initial $6 million goal…. The 92,000 square footTeaching and Learning Centre is officially opened by local MLAs ShirleyBond, Pat Bell, and John Rustad…. Former UBC President Martha Piper andrural health research pioneer Mamoru Watanabe receive honorary degreesfrom UNBC…. 730 students graduate from UNBC at the annual Convocationceremony.

The Northern Development Initiatives Trust is recognized for its $4.2million in support to the Charles Jago Northern Sport Centre…. TheBoard of Governors approves a $57.5 million operating budget for the2007-08 fiscal year.

Students find more than 100 artifacts during an archaeological dig westof Prince George at the confluence of the Nechako and Chilako rivers….Nearly 60 researchers from across western Canada attend a geneticresearch conference at UNBC.

UNBC develops a new Rural and Acute Care Nursing Certificate for nursesin small communities around BC who desire rural certification and theability to apply their coursework towards completing a Nursing degree….UNBC and Yukon College sign a memorandum of understanding to expandteaching and research opportunities in the North.

For the first time, UNBC offers courses in its Continuing Studiesprogram that can be applied towards completing a degree…. TheUniversity works with the Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design tooffer northern BC’s first-ever Bachelor of Fine Arts…. UNBC sets a Fallsemester enrolment record with 3750 students registered in September….Amid fanfare of Olympic proportions, the Charles Jago Northern SportCentre officially opens.

UNBC is named in a national survey as one of Canada’s researchuniversities of the year after its research funding grew by 90% in oneyear…. The telecommunications infrastructure used for teaching andresearch is expanded to be the equivalent of 6,000 home high-speedinternet connections.

The UNBC Northern Timberwolves basketball teams win their home-openersat the Charles Jago Northern Sport Centre…. UNBC is named the bestsmall university in western Canada by Maclean’s magazine for the thirdyear in a row.

UNBC develops a new degree option focusing on Public Administration and Community Development.