David Suzuki to Speak at Annual Ewert Lecture

Media Release

November 20, 2006

Nationally renowned environmentalist and scientist, David Suzuki, willspeak at the 3rd annual Dr. Bob Ewert Memorial Dinner on January 27,2007.

Titled, The Challenge of the 21st Century: Rediscovering the HumanPlace in the World, Dr. Suzuki’s talk will be the highlight of theevent, which is a fundraiser for the Northern Medical Programs Trust.Other activities will be the induction of three pioneering physiciansinto the Northern Medical Hall of Fame, an introduction of the thirdgroup of Northern Medical Program students, and a dance featuring BigBand music. The annual Dr. Bob Ewert memorial lecture, dinner, anddance is presented annually by the Northern Medical Society, the PrinceGeorge Community Foundation, UNBC, and the Northern Medical ProgramsTrust (NMPT).

Tickets to the Ewert event are $100 each, with 50% eligible for acharitable receipt issued by UNBC. Tickets are available from theOffice of University Advancement, which is located in UNBC’s DowntownBMO Bank of Montreal Centre at 3rd and Quebec Street. Alternatively,contact the Office at 960-5750 or email devoff@unbc.ca.

The NMPT is a partnership involving UNBC and more than two-dozennorthern communities to support students in the Northern MedicalProgram. To date, about $3.8 million has been raised, towards the goalof $6 million. During last year’s Ewert lecture, the first pay-outsfrom the Trust were made to 49 NMP students. They each received $500.

Dr. David Suzuki is a well-known and controversial commentator onscientific and environmental issues. He has written 43 books, foundedthe radio program Quirks and Quarks, and produced a number oftelevision documentaries. He is most well-known, however, as host ofthe long-running CBC television program, The Nature of Things. He has aPhD in Zoology and is the recipient of 18 honorary doctoral degrees. Heis Chair of the David Suzuki Foundation, which – since 1990 – hasfocused on oceans and sustainable fishing, climate change and cleanenergy, and sustainability.

Rob van Adrichem, Director of Media and Public Relations, UNBC – 250.960.5622