UNBC Expands Art Offerings with the Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design

Media Release

October 30, 2006

For the first time, the University of Northern British Columbia ispartnering with the Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design to offer arange of courses and workshops in Northern BC. UNBC Continuing Studieswill be offering a selection of weekend courses starting in November:

“Drawing into Painting” – Nov 18/19
“The Contemporary Comic” – Nov 25/26
“Chinese Art” – Dec 2/3

“Emily Carr’s own art instructors will be coming to Prince George todeliver these courses and additional ones next semester. These are thesame courses, and sometimes even expanded courses, that are beingdelivered at Emily Carr’s Vancouver campus,” says Kim Knutsson, UNBCContinuing Studies coordinator. “It is a wonderful opportunity forartists from throughout the region to advance their skills withouthaving the burden of extra travel costs.”

Registration is limited to 14-16 participants and the course costs range from $250-$265.

Click here for more details.

UNBC is also continuing to work with the Emily Carr Institute todevelop a Bachelor of Fine Arts program that is expected to begin inSeptember 2007. This will be the first BFA to be offered in Northern BCand will have a particular focus on Fine Arts and Creative Writing.This unique major will combine Emily Carr courses in art and arthistory with UNBC offerings in creative writing and literature. Thecurriculum will include courses in studio, art history, English, andcreative writing, as well as new media and digital technology.

The new BFA is still subject to final approval from the governingbodies of both institutions. The development of the program isconsistent with UNBC’s new academic vision, which features Artistic andCultural Expression as one of six academic themes at the University.

Kim Knutsson, Continuing Studies Coordinator, UNBC – 250.960.6443
Rob van Adrichem, Director of Media and Public Relations, UNBC - 250.960.5622