Northern Development Issues Addressed in Speaker Series

Media Release

September 29, 2006

The UNBC Community Development Institute will be presenting a trio ofpublic presentations focusing on issues fundamental to northern BC’scontinued growth and diversification.

The connection between science and politics and the importance ofresearch and post-secondary education to northern development will bethemes in a presentation by Peter Adams. The former Ontario MLA and MPchaired a number of Parliamentary standing committees and is also arespected northern researcher and university administrator. Hiscombination of experiences will inform his presentation on science,public policy, and his expectations for northern development in thefuture.
Thursday, October 5, 3pm, Agora Room 7-212 (adjacent to the Winter Garden)
Co-sponsored by the UNBC Natural Resources and Environmental Studies Institute

British Columbia’s massive construction boom will be focus ofpresentations the following week by Manley McLachlan, the President andCEO of the BC Construction Association. Mr. McLachlan’s talks in FortSt. John and Prince George will identify the provincial, national, andinternational trends that are currently affecting the BC constructionindustry. He will also identify the implications for northernbusinesses and communities.
Wednesday, October 11, 7:30pm, UNBC Room 7-158 (off Telus Student Services Street)
Thursday, October 12, 7pm, Room 154, Northern Lights College, Fort St. John
Co-sponsored by the Northern BC Construction Association

UNBC’s Community Development Institute was established in 2004 and aimsto provide research and information that will enable northern citizensto make informed decisions about their communities’ futures. Researchundertaken to date has focused on seniors’ needs, commuting andshopping patterns, public participation in resource management, tourismdevelopment, and the changing structure of the northern BC economy.

Greg Halseth, Acting Institute Director, Community Development Institute, UNBC – 250.960.5826
Rob van Adrichem, Director of Media and Public Relations, UNBC – 250.960.5622