UNBC Enrolment Up More than 6%

Media Release

September 22, 2006

The student enrolment this fall at the University of Northern BritishColumbia has increased 6.4% over last September. Currently, there are3612 students registered in classes this semester.

“Thegrowth reflects a strong commitment the University has made toincreasing its profile and more actively engaging in studentrecruitment strategies,” says UNBC President Don Cozzetto, pictured atleft with students in the University's Canfor Winter Garden. “Forexample, compared to two years ago, we’re doubling the number of highschools we’re visiting this year. New developments such as the CharlesJago Northern Sport Centre are also making UNBC more attractive tostudents.”

New programs have also contributed to UNBC’s growth. For example, thereis a new master’s degree in English and a Bachelor of Health Sciences,which is already at capacity with 25 students. In addition, there arenew aboriginal language programs in Fort St. James (Carrier language)and Prince Rupert (Tsimshian language) that have attracted more than 50students.

“Our enrolments in northern communities outside of Prince George haveincreased 32% over last year,” says Dr. Cozzetto. “This is incrediblysatisfying as it illustrates UNBC’s continued development as theUniversity most relevant to the citizens and communities of the North.”

Other areas of growth:
Master’s and doctoral students: Up 21% over last year
First Nations students: Up 10% over last year
International students: Up 11% over last year

“After two years of relatively static enrolments, it’s terrific to beable to demonstrate that UNBC is growing again,” says Dr. Cozzetto.“Post-secondary education is a major contributor to the local andregional economy and it is key to continued economic development.”

Rob van Adrichem, Director of Media and Public Relations, UNBC - 250.960.5622