Casual Work Trends to be Explored in UNBC Workshop

Media Release

September 12, 2006

The changing structure of the workplace will be explored at a workshopthat will be held at UNBC this coming Friday and Saturday. Inparticular, the workshop will focus on casual work and includeperspectives from British Columbia, Canada, and the world. Casual workdescribes temporary jobs that normally last no more than six months.

“In BC, about 9.4% of men and 11.7% of women between the ages of 20 and64 are engaged in casual work and it’s interesting to note that, eventhough our economy is currently hot, the prevalence of casual work hasbeen growing more in BC than in the rest of the country,” saysEconomics professor Fiona MacPhail, one of the organizers of thisweek’s workshop. “It has also been rising more for women than men andwe’ll be examining the factors behind these trends. We don’t want toexamine BC in isolation so participants will be attending from acrossCanada, the US, Australia, Japan, and Europe. In particular, we’re keento understand the link between casual work and economic security.”

The keynote presentation on Economic Security and Casual Work will bepresented by Guy Standing from the International Labour Organization inGeneva. His talk will be on Friday, September 15, at 9:15am in theBentley Centre. Other sessions will focus on Canadian and internationalexperiences with casual work and the progression from casual work toeconomic security. The full conference program follows this news release.

** Note: the workshop is at capacity for public attendance, but themedia are welcome to attend. Contact Dr. MacPhail to arrange aninterview with any of the conference presenters.

“How have technological change, globalization, society, and governmentregulations affected casual work?” asks Dr. MacPhail. “Answering thesequestions will help us to evaluate emerging policy responses that mightimprove the economic well-being of people engaged in casual work.”

Fiona MacPhail, Economics professor, UNBC – 250.960.6660
Rob van Adrichem, Director of Media and Public Relations, UNBC – 250.960.5622


Conference Program

SEPTEMBER 15, 2006

09:00-09:15 Opening Remarks
Dr. Howard Brunt, Vice-President Academic and Provost

09:15-10:30 Session 1: Casual Work and Economic Security
Chair: Fiona MacPhail

“Economic Security and Casual Work”
Guy Standing, International Labour Organization, Geneva

Discussants: Alex Michalos, FRSC, University of Northern British Columbia
            Marjorie Griffin Cohen, Chair, Women’s Studies, Simon Fraser University

11:00-12:30 Session 2: Canadian Experiences I: National Overviews
Chair:  Paul Bowles

“Temporary Employment and Social Inequality in Canada”
Leah Vosko, CRC, Political Science, York University, and Sylvia Fuller,Sociology and Anthropology, University of British Columbia

Discussant:  David Green, UBC

“Transitions from Non-Standard Work in Canada”
Tony Fang, York University

Discussant:  Francis Green, University of Kent, UK

12:30-13:30 Lunch - Bentley Centre

13:30-15:00  Session 3: Canadian Experiences II: Provincial Case Studies
Chair:  Sylvia Fuller

“From Casual Work to Economic Security: British Columbia, Canada”
Fiona MacPhail, Economics, University of Northern British Columbia andPaul Bowles, Economics, University of Northern British Columbia

Discussant:  John Burgess, Business, University of Newcastle

“From Casual Work to Economic Security: Ontario”
Richard Chaykowski, School of Policy Studies, Queen’s University and George Slotsve, Northern Illinois University

Discussant:  Fred Cuddington, Saskatchewan Commission on Improving Working Conditions

15:30-17:00 Session 4: Canadian Experiences III: Case Studies on Types of Workers
Chair:  David Green

“Immigrants and Casual Work in British Columbia: Prospects for Increasing Economic Security”
Habiba Zaman, Women’s Studies, Simon Fraser University

Discussant:  Tony Fang, School of Administrative Studies, York University

“Self-employment in Quebec: Prospects for Increasing Economic Security”
Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay, CRC in the Socio-organizational Challenges of the Knowledge Economy, Université du Québec à Montréal

Discussant:  David Fairey, Trade Union Research Centre, Vancouver

SEPTEMBER 16, 2006

9:30-12:00 Session 4:  International Experiences I
Chair:  Marjorie Griffin Cohen

“Temporary Employment and Transnational Labour Regulation”
Leah Vosko, CRC.Political Science, York University

Discussant: Stephen McBride, Political Science, Simon Fraser University

“From Casual Work to Economic Security: U.S and Japan Compared”
Heidi Gottfried, Sociology, Wayne State University, Detroit

Discussant: Seth Klein, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

“Legal Protection and Advocacy for Casual Workers in the U.S. ”
 Rebecca Smith, National Employment Law Project

Discussant: Blair Redlin, Research Representative, CUPE

12:00-13:00 Lunch – Upper Level, Cafeteria

13:00-15:00 Session 5: International Experiences II
Chair: Stephen McBride

“From Casual Work to Economic Security: The UK”
Francis Green, University of Kent

Discussant: George Slostve, Northern Illinois University
“From Casual Work to Economic Security: Australia”
John Burgess, School of Business, University of Newcastle, Australia

Discussant:  Habiba Zaman, Simon Fraser University     

15:30-16:30 Session 6: Pathways From Casual Work to Economic Security
Chair:  Paul Bowles

Roundtable discussion
Guy Standing, International Labour Organization
Marjorie Griffin Cohen, Simon Fraser University
Leah Vosko, York University
John Burgess, Newcastle University
Francis Green, University of Kent

16:30-17:00 Session 7: Publication plans
Discussion led by Fiona MacPhail and Paul Bowles