New President Visits the Northwest

Media Release

August 4, 2006

New UNBC President Don Cozzetto and his family will be visiting theNorthwest region later this month as part of his orientation to thecommunities and issues of Northern BC. The trip will include visits tothe region’s most spectacular sights as well as meetings with communityrepresentatives. Public receptions will also provide the opportunityfor local residents to meet the new President.

Monday, August 14
Fort St. James – 9:30am meeting at Nak’azdli Band Office, 10:30 tour of National Historic Site
Burns Lake – Lunch with community representatives
Smithers – Public reception at the Hudson Bay Lodge, beginning at 7:30pm

Tuesday, August 15
Hazelton – Visit Ksan and lunch with community officials at the Trading Post in Old Hazelton
Terrace – Public reception at the UNBC campus at 4641 Park Avenue, beginning at 7:30pm

Wednesday, August 16
Kitimat – Lunch with community officials at the Chalet Restaurant
Prince Rupert – Public reception at the NWCC / UNBC campus, beginning at 7:30pm.

Thursday, August 17
Terrace – meeting and campus tour at Northwest Community College, beginning at 10:30am.
Nass Valley – meeting with Wilp Wilxo’oskwhl Nisga’a, beginning at 1:00pm.

“I’m excited to experience the region’s sights and sounds and meet manyof the people – students, alumni, founders, community reps, governmentofficials, and donors – who have been so integral to UNBC’s successesto date,” says Dr. Cozzetto, who officially became UNBC President onJuly 1. “I’ll be sharing some of my ideas on how to increase UNBC’sprofile and program offerings throughout the region and I look forwardto input and ideas from local residents.”

All of Dr. Cozzetto’s activities during the Northwest visit are open tothe media. For details, contact Rob van Adrichem at the number below.

Rob van Adrichem, Director of Media and Public Relations, UNBC - 250.960.5622