New UNBC President Sets Priorities

Media Release

July 24, 2006

New UNBC President Don Cozzetto has identified thekey priorities that will guide UNBC in the future.

“We’re in a rapidly changing economic and politicalclimate, and the post-secondary landscape has been characterized by fiercecompetition for students, faculty, and staff,” says Dr. Cozzetto. “It isnecessary that we embrace change in ways that promote excellence. This will bethe theme of my presidency at UNBC.”

UNBC is currently experiencing growth at its Prince George and regionalcampuses. For example, the Provincial Government recently doubled the size ofUNBC’s land on Cranbrook Hill and construction is underway of both the Teachingand Learning Centre and the Charles Jago Northern Sport Centre. In the region,there are new campuses in Prince Rupert, Quesnel, and Terrace, and UNBC is working withthe City of Fort St. John to develop a new campus in the North Peace.

On the academic side, UNBC has recently completedan Academic Vision that identified core academic strengths along with acommitment to a learning environment focused on student outcomes.  

“The arrival of a new president is often associatedwith the launch of a new, comprehensive strategic planning initiative, but UNBCalready has a number of strategic reports that are of value. Now is the timefor action,” says Dr. Cozzetto. “Input from individuals within the university,the community, and government have led me to identify six priority areas forUNBC.”

  • Enrolment management, with an emphasis on student growth
  • Implementing the Academic Visioning Initiative
  • External Relations, including fundraising and alumni relations
  • Research, business, and industry partnerships
  • Regional operations, including Aboriginal communities
  • Athletics, including health and wellness

Over the next few months, thepriority areas will be assigned different objectives and targets. In addition toguiding the University’s development, they will be integral to UNBC’s future budgetpreparations.


Rob van Adrichem, Director of Media and Public Relations, UNBC - 250.960.5622