UNBC Seeks Public Input on New Academic Vision

Media Release

January 18, 2006 for immediate release

Following a series of public consultations in communities acrossnorthern BC, the University of Northern British Columbia has producedan academic vision designed to build on existing strengths and providea foundation for future growth.

“In our new academic vision statement, we are clearly stating – for thefirst time – that UNBC is aspiring to be Canada’s premier smallresearch-intensive university with world-class programs,” says HowardBrunt, Vice-President Academic and Provost. “We have also identifiedbroad academic focus areas that represent our strengths and futureaspirations.”

These focus areas are outlined below:
-Natural Resources and the Environment
-Health and Human Development
-Commerce and Community Sustainability
-Indigenous Peoples’ Knowledge
-Global Processes and Perspectives
-Artistic and Cultural Expression

“This last focus area indicates a strong desire from within theUniversity and surrounding communities that UNBC begin to offerprogramming in the fine arts,” says Dr. Brunt. “Other aspects of thevisioning report include a revised mission focused on student outcomesand a broad discussion of what we do, as well as how we do it.”

The entire report is available on the University’s website:

Written feedback is being sought from community members. Commentsshould be forwarded to pierrero@unbc.ca by January 27.  Feedbackwill be incorporated into a final report that will be produced inFebruary.

Rob van Adrichem, Director of Media and Public Relations, UNBC - 250.960.5622