UNBC Hosts Santa Debate on Thursday

Media Release

November 29, 2005 for immediate release

One of the University’s most popular annual events will be held onThursday. The 12th Annual Santa Claus Debate will be held on Thursday,December 1, at 6:30pm in the Canfor Winter Garden.

The annual event pits two teams of staff, faculty, and students againsteach other in a debate about the existence of Santa Claus. This year,the “yes” team will be comprised of student Yvan Prkachin, PoliticalScience professor Gary Wilson, and Lynda Williams of the Centre forTeaching and Learning. Those arguing against the existence of SantaClaus will be Psychology professor Cindy Hardy, Commerce professor HanDonker, and donor Jerry de Wit. In the eleven debates that have beenheld to date, the team advocating for Santa Claus has never lost(mostly because there are children in the crowd and UNBC doesn’t wantto be responsible for shattering anyone’s belief in Saint Nick. Plus,there’s always someone dressed up in a Santa suit ready to go and itwould be a shame if he/she dressed up for nothing).

The UNBC Choir and the Prince George community band will lead thesinging of Christmas carols. Eggnog and cookies will also be provided.

The public is welcome and there will be no admission charge.


Rob van Adrichem, Director of Media and Public Relations, UNBC - 250.960.5622