Gitksan Students Complete Coursework
August 10, 2005 for immediate release
Sevenstudents have completed the coursework for a unique program in Hazeltondesigned to preserve the Gitksan language for future generations.

Sevenstudents have completed the coursework for a unique program in Hazeltondesigned to preserve the Gitksan language for future generations.
Forthe past five years, the students have been taking courses towards earning aDevelopmental Standard Term Certificate in a First Nations Language andCulture, which allows them to teach language and culture courses in elementaryor secondary schools. The Developmental Standard Term Certificate program wasset up locally by the Siiwiixo’osxwim Wilnataahl Gitksan Society (GitksanLanguage Society) together with the University of Northern British Columbia.The certificate was offered through NorthwestCommunity College with approval fromthe BC College of Teachers. All of thecourses were offered in Hazelton and the students are only the second group inBC to complete this program. Thestudents, pictured here from left to right, are Doris Weget, Audrey Morrison, Angie Olson, Sandi Reviakin, KellieNyce, Darlene Clayton, and Rose Muldon.
“Over the past 100years, our language has been eroded and is now endgangered,” says Sadie Harrisof the Siiwiixo’osxwim Wilnataahl Gitksan Society. “This program is acritical step toward ensuring the maintenance growth of our Gitksan languageand cultural traditions. TheSiiwiixo’osxwim Wilnataahl Gitksan Society and the students wish tothank UNBC for all the help we were given throughout the years in offering thisprogram.”
Withall of the coursework now completed, the students are preparing for aneight-week, half-time practicum at John Field Elementary School in Hazelton starting in October.
TheSiiwiixo’osxwim Wilnataahl Gitksan Society anticipates that the programwill be able to ladder into the Bachelor of Arts or the Bachelor of Educationprograms through UNBC.
Rob van Adrichem, Director of Media and Public Relations, UNBC - 250.960.5622