Board Approves Budget & Modest Tuition Fee Increase

Media Release

April 2, 2005 for immediate release

The Board of Governors for the University of Northern British Columbia hasapproved a $52.4 million operating budget for the 2005-06 fiscal year. Thebudget includes a 2% tuition fee increase, consistent with proposed BCGovernment legislation to limit tuition increases to the rate of inflation. Asa result, a typical tuition fee for a full-time student enrolled in abachelor’s degree program will increase $80 to $4110 per year.

“Our primary budget objectives for this year include measures toimprove student services and to attract new students to UNBC in an increasinglycompetitive post-secondary environment,” says UNBC President Charles Jago.Resources are being allocated to expanding student academic advising,increasing support for growing programs such as the Biochemistry and MolecularBiology program, and offering the proposed new Family Nurse Practitionerprogram.

 “UNBC still faces substantialinflationary pressures,” says Dr. Jago. “In the past, these pressures have beenoffset by tuition increases and internal cuts. This year, we’ve continued toidentify spending cuts and fund re-allocations to achieve our objectives, butwe have been greatly assisted by a welcome increase in our BC Government grant.”Compared to the 2003-04 fiscal year, the Government base operating grant for2005-06 is increasing from $34.6 million to $36.5 million.


Rob van Adrichem, Director of Media and Public Relations,UNBC – 250.960.5622