UNBC Expands Nursing Program to Terrace in Partnership with Northwest Community College

February 1, 2005 for immediate release

Northwest Community College,the University of Northern British Columbia,and Northern Health are partnering to deliver Nursing education in northwesternBC. The new program builds on the existing Northern Collaborative BaccalaureateNursing Program developed by UNBC and the College of New Caledonia.

18 students will be admitted into the first class this fall and theCollege and University are currently welcoming expressions of interest fromstudents. Students will graduate with a BScN from UNBC after completing thefour-year program. The newTerrace-based program will have some features that will make it uniquelyoriented to the needs of the Northwest region and local students.

In addition to completing coursework at the NWCC and UNBC campusesin Terrace, students will have the opportunity to participate in clinicalplacements in health care settings throughout the Northwest. They will alsohave some opportunity to pursue their education through flexible coursedelivery methods. For example, UNBC and NWCC are currently exploring whichcourses are appropriate for online learning to accommodate students who areeither located in communities outside of Terrace or pursuing classes whileworking.

NWCC and UNBC will establish an advisory committee that will havedirect input into the curriculum and its ongoing evolution and delivery. Thisgroup will be comprised of local citizens, health professionals, and NorthernHealth.

"Weare thrilled that the BC Government is funding this expansion," saysSuzanne Johnston, Chief Operating Officer for Northern Health's NorthwestService Delivery Area. "This Nursing program will provide new educationalopportunities for people right here in the Northwest. It will also providestudents with the opportunity to learn from nurses who are already working inhospitals and clinics throughout the region and establish them as role modelsand leaders; patients will benefit as a result."

The new Terrace program is increasing the number of Nursing seatsavailable in northern BC to 114 (up from 60 seats in 2001). UNBC, in collaboration with the College of New Caledonia,also has 24 Nursing spaces in Quesnel and 72 in Prince George. In 2004, 87% of the graduatesfrom the Nursing program accepted jobs in northern BC.