Media Release

November 15, 2004 for immediate release

Following on the heels of a top-ten ranking in its category in theannual Maclean's magazine ranking of Canadian universities, UNBC hasbeen ranked one of Canada's top research universities.

Toronto-based Research Infosource Inc annually conducts a survey forthe National Post that measures the research intensity of Canadianuniversities. Among all universities, UNBC is ranked 20th, higher thanSimon Fraser University, Carleton University in Ottawa, and theUniversity of New Brunswick. Among small universities, UNBC is rankedsecond, nearly tied with Ontario's Trent University, which scoredmarginally higher.

"This is evidence of UNBC's success in building a research-intensivesmall university that is particularly responsive to northern issues,"says Max Blouw, Vice-President Research. "Although UNBC is only adecade old, our research activity is greater on a per capita basis thanmany larger and older universities. It illustrates the quality of ourfaculty and students."

The Research Infosource survey measures research income from federalgranting councils, the percentage of faculty and graduate studentinvolvement in research, and the success of researchers in having theirfindings published. This year, McMaster University was ranked numberone among all universities. The top BC university was UBC at numberfive. The University of Victoria was ranked 18th and Simon FraserUniversity ranked 21st.

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