Media Release

September 29, 2004 for immediate release

The University of Northern British Columbia is partnering with The Hills Health Ranch in the South Cariboo region in an effort to increase knowledge of health and healthy living.

The new Memorandum of Understanding calls for an advanced research andeducational partnership that will focus on unique local opportunities:

- research and curriculum development in the life sciences, including healthy lifestyles and preventative medicine.
- research and product development related to regional botanicals and the health effects of local plants
- establishment of the Erica Miller Spa School curriculum at The HillsHealth Ranch as a component of UNBC's Continuing Education program
- preservation of intellectual property surrounding the spa schoolcurriculum, and assistance in securing patents around new products andprocessing of botanical materials

"I believe that the future success of communities and businesses of thevarious regions of British Columbia depends on strong mutual support& cooperation. It is in this spirit that we consider thecollaboration between the Ranch and UNBC to be of great benefit to theprovince," says Patrick Corbett, President of the Hills Health Ranch,"Our hope is that this initiative will contribute to the future healthof people, while strengthening the long- term sustainability of theregion, its communities, and our business."

"Research is a key driving force behind economic growth, academicexcellence, business vitality and community sustainability," says MaxBlouw, Vice-President of Research at UNBC. "This partnership will helpthe region diversify and explore new opportunities in botanicals,health and healing, and disease prevention."