Media Release

September 23, 2004 for immediate release

Now two weeks into the 2004-05 academic year, student enrolment figuresat UNBC are tracking at much the same level as last year. The latestfigures show that 3600 students are registered, roughly the same asthis time last year.

Early statistics are showing, however, that more students are pursuingfull-time studies. The number of full-time equivalent students iscurrently up about 1% over this time last year. At both theundergraduate and graduate levels, there has been an increase offull-time students, and a drop among those pursuing part-time studies.At the same time, the number of First Nations students has risen about12% over last year with about 300 aboriginal students registered atUNBC.

UNBC is continuing to be an attractive option for students pursuinguniversity. There are just over 1200 new students at the Universitythis year, an increase of more than 100 over last year. In 2004,however, UNBC had its largest graduation class ever with nearly 100more students graduating this past spring than the year before.

Official fall headcount statistics are compiled in early November.

Non-credit courses

At the same time, the University is providing more educationalopportunities by expanding offerings in its Continuing Studies program.More than 100 courses are being offered this year, up from 68 lastyear. Last year, there were 1400 registrations for Continuing Edcourses, up about 15% from the previous year.