Media Release

July 29, 2004 for immediate release

On August 17th, the Northern Medical Programs Trust, Prince George,will be kicking off its fundraising campaign at the University ofNorthern British Columbia from 4:30 PM - 7:30 PM with the "BBQ for 'U!'"

The Northern Medical Programs Trust was created to raise money forfinancial assistance for students in the Northern Medical Programs tohelp offset the cost of taking such programs in the North. Students inthe Northern Medical Programs face increased costs, particularly travelexpenses. The local goal is to raise $2 million over the next fouryears and use the interest to help offset these high costs.

The "BBQ For 'U!'" is exciting way to share in the kick off theNorthern Medical Programs Trust launch at the UNBC campus. Bring yourfriends and family for a reasonable dinner. Burgers, hot dogs, pop orjuice and cake, etcetera, will be provided by BC Restaurant and FoodServices Association and the money raised will go to the NorthernMedical Programs Trust. In addition their will be children's games andactivities coordinated by the Prince George Family 'Y' and the TwoRivers Art Gallery. Many of the city's Mascots will be in attendanceproviding additional fun for the kids. Also scheduled are a variety ofperformances including dancers, singers, bands and theatricalperformances. Most importantly you can be one of the first people totour our new state of the art "Northern Health Sciences Centre".

Funds will be raised through donations given for cake which will begiven out in exchange for a donation to the Northern Medical ProgramsTrust. With a donation, the public will be eligible to win an array ofprizes, donated by businesses in the community, including a trip for 2to Victoria from Hawk Air! You can also support the program bypurchasing your collectors "Northern Health in Northern Hands" buttonor by signing the Historical Wooden book that will be sealed andpresented the first twenty four students who arrive in prince George tobegin their studies here in January 2005. There are so many ways thatyou can share and have fun at the Barbecue for "U".

This event will directly follow the grand opening of the new NorthernMedical Centre at UNBC, which will take place earlier that day withdignitaries from across Canada in attendance.

The public is invited to attend the "BBQ for 'U!'" and support theNorthern Medical Programs Trust, keeping Northern Health in NorthernHands. For more information please contact Judy Mason at 564-2660; bye-mail: judy@dmca.bc.ca. Or contact Tyler Bowman at 564-8861 ext. 244;by e-mail: tbowman@ckpg.bc.ca.