Weekend University 30th Course To Be Offered Next Semester

November 24, 2000 For Immediate Release
Four courses will be offered in the Weekend University next semester, bringing the total offered in the program to date to thirty.
The Weekend University is a partnership between the Cariboo Tribal Council, the University-College of the Cariboo, and the University of Northern British Columbia. Courses in the program are offered on alternate weekends, providing opportunities for mature students in the region to earn a bachelor's degree part-time. The program started in 1997, and at various times, up to 30 students have been registered in the various offerings. Courses in the next semester start January 12th.
The next selection of offerings will include a course by Dr Robin Fisher, UNBC's Dean of Arts, Social and Health Sciences. The course is a fourth-year History offering focusing on Aboriginal peoples in Canada from the time of European contact. The course will cover the entire country, but will concentrate on the fur trade in western Canada and on the history of Native peoples in BC. Dr Fisher has written a number of books on early Indian-European relations, and is a national expert on the subject.
Other Weekend University offerings next semester will include a first-year History course, a Psychology course on statistical analysis, and a Shuswap language class.