UNBC Board
Of Governors Extends President Jago's Contract By Five Years

Media Release

December 14, 1999 For Immediate Release

The University of Northern British Columbia's Board of Governors has unanimously endorsed the appointment of UNBC President Charles Jago to a second term. The contract is for five years and will be effective from July 1, 2000 to June 30, 2005.

The Board voted to renew Dr Jago's contract following an extensive review process within the University and through broad external consultation.

"Dr Jago has provided tremendous vision for UNBC during his first term," says Alice Downing, Chair of the UNBC Board of Governors. "Under his leadership, the University has established its academic credibility at a national level and has contributed significantly to the advancement of northern British Columbia. The Board is confident that the renewal of Dr Jago's contract will contribute to the stability that is essential to ensure the ongoing success and growth of the institution."

The University of Northern British Columbia's Prince George campus was opened by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in 1994. That year, the University had 1400 students and President Jago has guided the University's growth since his arrival in 1995. UNBC currently has nearly 3400 students and has gained national recognition for its degree programs and research projects, many of which focus on issues of northern relevance. In the Maclean's university ranking, UNBC debuted last year in the top-ten, and rose this year to eighth place in the Primarily Undergraduate category. In the near future, UNBC intends to develop a research and development park and is pursuing construction of a new sportsplex and laboratory expansion.

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