UNBC Budget

Media Release

March 21, 1998 For Immediate Release

At its meeting this morning, the University of Northern British Columbia Board of Governorsapproved the 1998-99 operating budget.

The budget of nearly $31.8 million will be balanced and will allow UNBC to maintainits current range of programs and operations. There will, however, be little new money to copewith the pressures of enrolment growth or to fund new initiatives. There is expected to be amodest increase in students (approximately 100 full-time equivalent students) in the newacademic year which will be a source of some increased revenue. Highlights are as follows:

  • No areas of operation have experienced significant cutbacks; some have received modest funding enhancement.
  • There will be no increase in student fees other than a proposed 3% hike in residence fees. This will be the first increase in residence fees since 1996-97.
  • Vacated faculty positions in programs of highest enrolment (ie Natural Resources Management and Business) will be filled.
  • There will be an investment of $40,000 to start the development of a research park.
  • About 146 classes will be offered in communities outside of Prince George in the new academic year, roughly double the number from 1996-97.
  • A student recruitment and retention fund will receive $125,000.
  • The Capital Reserve Fund will continue to be funded at a rate of $800,000 per year.