Slocan Contributes
$900,000 To Construction Of Forest Laboratory And Mixedwood Research

Media Release

July 21, 1997 For Immediate Release

Slocan Forest Products and I.K. Barber have made a $900,000 commitment to the University of Northern British Columbia to permit the construction of a new forest laboratory and support research on interior forests.

$500,000 from Slocan will be dedicated to the construction of the new Forest Enhancement Laboratory which will be built near the student residences on UNBC's Prince George campus. This facility will provide opportunities for a wide range of experiments on maximizing tree growth while maintaining or enhancing the natural conditions found in the interior of the Province. The new lab is necessary for UNBC to become a world-class centre for the study of interior forests. It's due to open in the 1997-98 academic year.

The $400,000 contribution from Mr Barber will support a boreal mixedwood Research Chair at UNBC. This new Chair will help to ensure that research into boreal mixedwood forests found in BC's northern regions is effectively designed and coordinated. The person selected for the Chair will work closely with industry, university, and government researchers and forest managers.

"A greater understanding of the ecological processes found in these forests and the impact on landscape management practices will help to ensure the optimum economic and environmental return to northern communities," says UNBC President Charles Jago. "This commitment from Slocan and Mr Barber is outstanding and will allow the University to further develop its leadership role in research related to the management of northern forests."

"Along with the Slocan company, I am pleased to provide this financial support in order to focus research on the forests which are so essential to the people and the communities in which they live," says Mr Barber. "This new facility and research chair will help to strengthen the economic and environmental base of these communities and provide a bright future for our young people."

Former Dean of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies, Fred Gilbert, stated: "This represents the culmination of a lot of effort on the part of Slocan and the University, andI would especially like to thank Ike Barber for his support. It is an important addition to our collaborative efforts with industry that will increase our understanding of northern forests and enhance the forestry research capacity at UNBC."

Slocan is one of the larger BC forest companies with operations in eleven BC communities. UNBC opened for full operations in 1994 and is expecting nearly 3000 students in September.