Albers S.J. and Petticrew E.L. (2013) Biogeomorphic impacts of migration and disturbance: Implications of salmon spawning and decay. Geomorphology 202: pp. 43–50.
DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2013.02.002 -
Albers S.J. and Petticrew E.L. (2012) Ecosystem response to a salmon disturbance regime: Implications for downstream nutrient fluxes in aquatic systems. Limnology and Oceanography 57(1) pp. 113–123.
DOI: 10.4319/lo.2012.57.1.0113Barahimi, M., Sui, J. (2023). Effects of Submerged Vegetation Arrangement Patterns and Density on Fow Structure. Water, 15(1), 176.
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Burford J.E., Déry S.J. and Holmes R.D. (2009) Some aspects of the hydroclimatology of the Quesnel River Basin, British Columbia, Canada. Hydrological Processes 23, pp. 1529–1536.
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Clark D.E., Vogels M.F.A., van der Perk M., Owens P.N. and Petticrew E.L. (2014)
Effects of a small-scale, abandoned gold mine on the geochemistry of fine stream-bed and floodplain sediments in the Horsefly River watershed, British Columbia, Canada Mineralogical Magazine 78(6), pp. 1491–1504.
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DOI:10.1657/1938-4246-42.2.188Granger B, Laval B, Vagle S, Petticrew EL, Owens PN, Baldwin SA (2022). Initial distribution and interannual decrease of suspended sediment in a two-basin lake following a massive mine tailings spill: Quesnel Lake, BC, Canada. Water Resources Research, 58, e2021WR030574.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1029/2021WR030574 -
Hamilton, A.K., Laval, B.E., Petticrew, E.L., Albers, S.J., Allchin, M., Baldwin, S.A., Carmack, E.C.,Déry, S.J., French, T.D., Granger, B., Graves, K.E., Owens, P.N., Selbie, D.T., Vagle, S. (2020). Seasonal turbidity linked to physical dynamics in a deep lake following the catastrophic 2014 Mount Polley mine tailings spill. Water Resources Research, 56. e2019WR025790. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1029/2019WR025790
Hatam I., Petticrew E.L., French T.D., Owens P.N., Laval B. and Baldwin S.A. (2019)
The bacterial community of Quesnel Lake sediments impacted by a catastrophic mine tailings spill differ in composition from those at undisturbed locations – two years post-spill. Scientific Reports 9, Article number 2705.
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-38909-9 -
Jafari, R., Sui, J. (2023). Velocity Field and Turbulence Structure around Spur Dikes with Different Angles of Orientation under Ice Covered Flow Conditions. Water, 13(13), 1844.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/w13131844
Jafari, R., Sui, J. (2021). “Velocity field and turbulence structure around spur dikes with different angles of orientation under ice covered flow conditions. Water, 13 (13): 1844, 20 pages.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/w13131844.
Koiter A.J., Owens P.N., Petticrew E.L. and Lobb D. (2017) The role of soil surface properties on the particle size and carbon selectivity of interrill erosion in agricultural landscapes. Catena 153: pp. 194–206.
Koiter A.J., Owens P.N., Petticrew E.L. and Lobb D. (2015) The role of gravel channel beds on the particle size and organic matter selectivity of transported fine-grained sediment: implications for sediment fingerprinting and biogeochemical flux research Journal of Soils and Sediments 15(10): pp. 2174–2188.
Leggat M.S., Owens P.N., Stott T.A., Forrester B.J., Déry S.J. and Menounos B. (2015)
Hydro-meteorological drivers and sources of suspended sediment flux in the pro-glacial zone of the retreating Castle Creek Glacier, Cariboo Mountains, British Columbia, Canada. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 40, pp. 1542–1559.
Lehnert S.J., Devlin R.H., Pitcher T.E., Semeniuk C.A.D. and Heath D.D. (2017) Redder isn’t always better: cost of carotenoids in Chinook salmon eggs. Behavioral Ecology 28(2), 549–555.
Lehnert S.J., Heath D.D., Devlin R.H. and Pitcher T.E. (2016) Post-spawning sexual selection in red and white Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Behavioral Ecology arw142.
McRae C.J., Warren K.D. and Shrimpton J.M. (2012) Spawning site selection in interior Fraser River coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch: an imperiled population of anadromous salmon from a snow- dominated watershed. Endangered Species Research 16: pp. 249–260.
Namaee, M., Sui, J., Wu, Y., Linklater, N. (2020) Three-dimensional numerical simulation of local scour around bridge piers under ice-covered flow condition. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 48(10).
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1139/cjce-2019-036.
Namaee, M., Sui, J. (2020) Velocity profiles and turbulence intensities around side-by-side bridge piers under ice-covered flow condition. Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, 68(1): 70–82.
DOI: 10.2478/johh-2019-0029
Namaee, M., Sui, J. (2019) Effects of ice cover on the incipient motion of bed material and shear stress around side-by-side bridge piers", Cold Regions Science and Technology, 165.
DOI: doi.org/10.1016/j.coldregions.2019.102811.
Namaee, M., Sui, J. (2019) Effects of ice cover on the incipient motion of bed material and shear stress around side-by-side bridge piers", Cold Regions Science and Technology, 165.
DOI: doi.org/10.1016/j.coldregions.2019.102811. -
Namaee, M., Sui, J. (2019) Impact of armour layer on the depth of scour hole around side-by-side bridge piers under ice-covered flow condition – an experimental study using non-uniform sands. Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, 67(3), 240–251.
DOI: doi.org/10.2478/ johh-2019-0010.
Namaee, M., Sui, J. (2019) Local scour around two side-by-side cylindrical bridge piers under ice- covered condition. International Journal of Sediment Research, 34, 355–367.
DOI: doi.org/10.1016/j.ijsrc.2018.11.007.
Owens PN, Petticrew EL, Albers S, French TD, Granger B, Laval B, Lindgren J, Sussbauer R, Vagle S (2023). Annual pulses of copper-enriched sediment in a North American watershed downstream of a large lake following the catastrophic failure of a mine tailings storage facility. Science of the Total Environment, 856, 158927.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.158927.
Petticrew E.L., Albers S.J., Baldwin S.A., Carmack E.C., Déry S.J., Gantner N., Graves K.E., Laval B., Morrison J., Owens P.N., Selbie D.T. and Vagle S. (2015) The impact of a catastrophic mine tailings impoundment spill into one of North America's largest fjord lakes: Quesnel Lake, British Columbia, Canada Geophysical Research Letters 42(9) 3347–3355.
Petticrew E. L., Rex J. F. and Albers S. J. (2011) Bidirectional delivery of organic matter between freshwater and marine systems: the role of flocculation in Pacific salmon streams. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 30: pp. 779–786.
Petticrew E.L. and Albers S. (2010) Salmon as biogeomorphic agents: temporal and spatial effects on sediment quantity and quality in a northern British Columbia spawning channel. In: Sediment Dynamics for a Changing Future edited by Banasik K., Horowitz A.J., Owens P.N., Stone M. and Walling D.E., pp. 251–257: IAHS Publication 337, IAHS Press, Wallingford, U.K.
Petticrew E.L. and Rex J.F. (2006) The importance of temporal changes in gravel-stored fine sediment on habitat conditions in a salmon spawning stream. In: Sediment Dynamics and the Hydromorphology of Fluvial Systems, edited by Rowan J.S., Duck R.W. and Werritty A., pp. 434–441: IAHS Publication 306, IAHS Press, Wallingford, U.K.
Plomp R. D., Klemish J. L., and Pyle G.G. (2020) The single and combined effects of wildfire runoff and sediment‐bound copper on the freshwater amphipod Hyalella aztecaa. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 39(10): pp. 1988–1997.
DOI: 10.1002/etc.4821
Rex J.F., Petticrew E.L., Albers S.J. and Williams N.D. (2014) The influence of Pacific salmon decay products on near-field streambed sediment and organic matter dynamics: a flume simulation. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 39(10), pp. 1378–1385. DOI:10.1002/esp.3591
Rex J.F. and Petticrew E.L. (2010) Salmon-derived nitrogen delivery and storage within a gravel bed: sediment and water interactions. Ecological Engineering 36: pp. 1167–1173.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2010.02.001
Rex J.F. and Petticrew E.L. (2009) Pacific salmon- flocculation feedback loop: implications for streambed nitrogen delivery and retention. Proceedings from the Second International Conference on Hydrology and Ecology. Vienna, Austria, pp. 155–160.
Rex J.F. and Petticrew E.L. (2008) Delivery of marine-derived nutrients to streambeds by Pacific salmon. Nature Geoscience 1: pp. 840–843.
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Rex J F. and Petticrew E.L. (2006) Pacific salmon and sediment flocculation: nutrient cycling and intergravel habitat quality. In: Sediment Dynamics and the Hydromorphology of Fluvial Systems, edited by Rowan J.S., Duck R.W. and Werritty A., pp. 442–449: IAHS Publication 306, IAHS Press, Wallingford, U.K.
Smith T. B. and Owens P. N. (2014) Individual and cumulative effects of agriculture, forestry and metal mining activities on the metal and phosphorus content of fluvial fine-grained sediment; Quesnel River Basin, British Columbia, Canada. Science of the Total Environment 496
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Smith T.B. and Owens P.N. (2014) Flume- and field-based evaluation of a time-integrated suspended sediment sampler for the analysis of sediment properties Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 39(9), pp. 1197–1207.
Smith T.B. and Owens P.N. (2010) Impact of land use activities on fine sediment-associated contaminants, Quesnel River Basin, British Columbia, Canada.
In Banasik K., Horowitz A.J., Owens P.N., Stone M. and Walling D.E (eds.) Sediment Dynamics for a Changing Future, pp. 37–43: IAHS Publication 337, IAHS Press, Wallingford, U.K.
Stott T., Leggat M., Owens P., Forrester B., Déry S. and Menounos, B (2016)
Suspended sediment dynamics in the proglacial zone of the rapidly retreating Castle Creek Glacier, British Columbia, Canada. In A. Beylich, J. Dixon, & Z. Zwoliński (eds.), Source-to-Sink Fluxes in Undisturbed Cold Environments, pp. 293–312. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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Sykes G.E., Johnson C.J. and Shrimpton J.M. (2009) Temperature and Flow Effects on Migration Timing of Chinook Salmon Smolts. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 138(6), pp. 1252– 1265.
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Thompson H.D., Déry S.J., Jackson P.L. and Laval B.E. (2020) A synoptic climatology of potential seiche-inducing winds in a large intermontane lake: Quesnel Lake, British Columbia, Canada. International Journal of Climatology.
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Tong J., Déry S.J., Jackson P.L., and Derksen C. (2010) Testing snow water equivalent retrieval algorithms for passive microwave remote sensing in an alpine watershed of western Canada.Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 36, Supp. 1, pp. S74–S86.
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Tong J., Déry S.J. and Jackson P.L. (2009) Interrelationships between MODIS/Terra remotely sensed snow cover and the hydrometeorology of the Quesnel River basin, British Columbia, Canada. Hydrology and Earth Systems Science 13, pp. 1439–1452
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Tong J., Déry S.J. and Jackson P.L. (2009) Topographic control of snow distribution in an alpine watershed of western Canada inferred from spatially-filtered MODIS snow products. Hydrology and Earth Systems Science 13, pp. 1439–1452.
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Wu P., Hirshfield F. and Sui J. (2015) Local scour around bridge abutments under ice covered condition - an experimental study. International Journal of Sediment Research 30(1): pp 39–47.
Wu P., Hirshfield F. and Sui J. (2014) Further studies of incipient motion and shear stress on local scour around bridge abutments under ice cover. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 41: pp. 892– 899.
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Wu P., Hirshfield F. and Sui J. (2013) ADV measurements of flow field along a round abutment under ice covers Proceedings of the 17th Workshop - CGU HS Committee on River Ice Processes and the Environment, Edmonton, 21-24.
Graduate Student Theses
Albers, Sam (2010) The Salmon Disturbance Regime: Effects on Biofilm, Sediment and Water. University of Northern British Columbia, MSc. Supervisor: Dr Ellen Petticrew
Ayana A. (2018) The Impact of the Mount Polley Tailings Pond Failure on the Sedimentary Record of Quesnel Lake, British Columbia. University of Toronto, MSc. Supervisor: Dr Joe Desloges.
Caley, Katrina (2011) The influence of historical forestry practices and climate on the sediment retention function of wetlands. University of Northern British Columbia, MSc - Supervisor: Dr Phil Owens.
Cebulski, A. (2018) The Glaciolacustrine Sediment Record of Cariboo Lake, BC: Implications for Holocene Fluvial and Glacial Watershed Dynamics. University of Toronto, MSc. Supervisor: Dr Joe Desloges.
Clark, D.E. (2013) Effect of Mining on Fine Sediment Geochemistry in the Horsefly River Catchment, British Columbia, Canada. University of Utrecht, The Netherlands MSc. Supervisors: Dr Marcel van der Perk, Dr Phil Owens, Dr Ellen Petticrew.
Duros, J. (2017) The movement of marine-derived nutrients from a salmon spawning river to a nursery lake. University of Northern British Columbia, MSc. Supervisors: Dr Ellen Petticrew, Dr Phil Owens.
Granger, B. (2020) Suspended sediment in Quesnel Lake following the Mount Polley Mine tailings spill. University of British Columbia, Master of Applied Science.
Henry, Catherine (2009) Semi-industrial scale testing of biologically-induced copper heap leaching at Imperial Metal Corporation - Mount Polley Mine. University of Northern British Columbia, MSc. Supervisor: Dr Michael Rutherford.
Hirshfield, F. (2015) The impact of ice conditions on local scour around bridge piers University of Northern British Columbia, PhD. Supervisor: Dr Jueyi Sui.
Hulsman, H. and Wubben, L. (2008) Salmon spawning and sediment dynamics in the Horsefly River in British Columbia. University of Utrecht, The Netherlands, MSc. Supervisors: Dr Marcel van der Perk, Dr Ellen Petticrew, Dr Phil Owens.
Leggat, M.S. (2014) Suspended Sediment Flux Downstream of the Retreating Castle Creek Glacier, Cariboo Mountains, British Columbia. University of Northern British Columbia, MSc. Supervisor: Dr Phil Owens.
Karimlou, G. (2011) Effects of mining on fine sediment quality; a comparison with regional metal background concentrations. University of Utrecht, The Netherlands, MSc. Supervisors: Dr Marcel van der Perk, Dr Ellen Petticrew, Dr Phil Owens.
Koiter, A.J. (2016) Implications of Watershed Processes on the Sediment fingerprinting Approach. University of Northern British Columbia, PhD. Supervisors: Dr Phil Owens, Dr Ellen Petticrew.
McRae, Crystal J. (2009) Spawning site selection and the influence of incubation environment on larval success in Interior Fraser Coho. University of Northern British Columbia, MSc. Supervisor: Dr Mark Shrimpton.
Namaee, M. (2019) Experimental and numerical study of local scour around side-by-side bridge piers under ice-covered conditions. University of Northern British Columbia, PhD. Supervisor: Dr Jueyi Sui.
Penninkhoff, P. (2010) Change of sediment, amount, and particle sizes, during salmon spawning in an artificial channel in British Columbia, Canada. University of Utrecht, The Netherlands, MSc.
Supervisors: Dr Marcel van der Perk, Dr Ellen Petticrew, Dr Phil Owens. -
Plomp, R.D. (2019) The toxicological effects of the Mount Polley tailings impoundment breach on freshwater amphipods. University of Lethbridge, MSc. Supervisor: Dr Glen Pyle.
Rasmus, K. (2017) Seasonal movement of marine-derived nutrients in riverine surface bed sediment and the floodplain hyporheic zone. University of Northern British Columbia, MSc. Supervisors: Dr Ellen Petticrew, Dr Phil Owens.
Rex, John F. (2009) The flocculation feedback loop: Delivery of marine derived nutrients in Pacific salmon streams. University of Northern British Columbia, PhD. Supervisor: Dr Ellen Petticrew.
Smith, Tyler (2012) Impact of land use activities on sediment-associated contaminants; Quesnel river basin, BC. University of Northern British Columbia, MSc - Supervisor: Dr Phil Owens.
Sussbauer, R. (2017) Sediment-Associated Contaminant Transport and Storage Dynamics in the Quesnel River from the Mount Polley Mine Disaster. University of Northern British Columbia, MSc. Supervisor: Dr Phil Owens.
Sykes, Greg E. (2007) The role of temperature and flow on the migration of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) smolts. University of Northern British Columbia, MSc. Supervisor: Dr Mark Shrimpton.
Thompson, H.D. (2019) Wind Climatology of Quesnel Lake, British Columbia. University of Northern British Columbia, MSc. Supervisor: Dr Stephen Déry.
Tong Jinju (2009) Remote sensing of snow and its applications in hydrometeorological studies in western Canada. University of Northern British Columbia, PhD. Supervisors: Dr Stephen Déry, Dr Peter Jackson.
Van Lipzig, M.L.H.M. (2011) Effects of mining on the geochemistry of fine sediments in streams; a study in the Quesnel catchment. University of Utrecht, The Netherlands, MSc. Supervisors: Dr Marcel van der Perk, Dr Ellen Petticrew, Dr Phil Owens.
Vogels, M. (2013) Effects of past and present mining on fine sediment geochemistry of floodplain soils, Horsefly River, BC, Canada. University of Utrecht, The Netherlands, MSc. Supervisors: Dr Marcel van der Perk, Dr Ellen Petticrew, Dr Phil Owens.
Warren, Kyla (2010) Factors influencing habitat use by juvenile interior Fraser coho. University of Northern British Columbia, MSc. Supervisor: Dr Mark Shrimpton.
Wu Peng (2014) Local scour around bridge abutments under ice covered conditions. University of Northern British Columbia, PhD. Supervisor: Dr Jueyi Sui.
Zwiebel, A. B. (2019) Spatial and trophic biomonitoring of trace metals in aquatic environments following the Mt. Polley Mine tailings spill. University of Northern British Columbia, MSc. Supervisors: Dr Ellen Petticrew, Dr Phil Owens.
Undergraduate Student Projects
Anderson Millington, B. (2014) An evaluation of continuous flow centrifugation to collect a representative sample of suspended sediment in terms of organic matter and particle size: A study on the US M-512 Manual Centrifuge system. University of Plymouth, UK Supervisors: Dr Will Blake, Dr Phil Owens, Dr Ellen Petticrew.
Chen, J. (2021) Multi-parameter approach for assessing the downstream aquatic impacts of the 2014 Mount Polley Mine disaster. Unpublished Internship Report, Department of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Northern British Columbia. Supervisor: Dr. Jueyi Sui
Lee, J. (2009) Construction of a sediment budget for Castle Creek Glacier, British Columbia. Supervisor: Dr Phil Owens.
Little, R. (2011) An evaluation of the temporal effects of Pacific sockeye salmon on stream SEC and SSC. BSc, University of Plymouth, UK. Supervisors: Dr Will Blake, Dr Ellen Petticrew.