Use the search fields and filters below to find profiles for faculty and staff at UNBC.


Sabzevari, Mostafa

Research Project Officer, Applied Sciences and Engineering

Safaei, Dr. Jalil

Professor (on sabbatical)

Research and Expertise

Saha, Dr. Sajal

Assistant Professor

Research and Expertise

Sanborn, Paul

Professor Emeritus

Research and Expertise

Sanders, Dr. Caroline


Research and Expertise

Sanderson, Dr. Darlene

Dr. Donald B. Rix B.C. Leadership Chair for Indigenous Environmental Health

Research and Expertise

Sargent, Melissa

Human Resources Coordinator, Benefits

Sarrazin, Teresa

Enrolment Services Representative

Sato, Christa


Research and Expertise

Saunderson, Katherine

Learning Specialist - Science/Math

Schiller, Corinne

Adjunct Professor, Environmental Science

Schiller, Dr. Catharine

Associate Professor

Research and Expertise

Schmidt, Glen

Professor Emeritus

Schorcht, Blanca

Professor Emerita

Schwarz, Mandi

Library Technical Assistant - Electronic Resources

Schweder, Deb

Security & Parking Administrative Assistant

Scott, Charles

Senior Instructor

Research and Expertise

Seguin, Angela

Undergraduate Nursing Program Advisor

Selbie, Dr. Daniel

Adjunct Professor, Environmental Science

Research and Expertise