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Research and Expertise
Research Fields
- Education
- Ethics
- Health
- Psychology
- Rural Health Services
Areas of Expertise
Rater cognition, workplace-based assessment, performance assessment, clinical supervision, entrustment, small group learning, rural health ethics.
Gorrell, Dr. Jamie
Research and Expertise
Research Fields
- Biodiversity/Ecology
- Conservation
- Wildlife
Areas of Expertise
Behavioural ecology, molecular ecology, wildlife ecology, evolution, conservation genetics/genomics, vertebrates
Research and Expertise
Research Fields
- Biodiversity/Ecology
- Conservation
- Environment
- First Nations
- Forestry
- Natural Resources
Areas of Expertise
Forest Ecosystem Management, Silviculture, Forestry Planning
Research and Expertise
Research Fields
- Climate Change
- Community
- Environment
- Northern Issues
- Sustainability
- Urban Planning
Areas of Expertise
Place-making; Community-based planning, Low-carbon resilient communities; Landscape perception and design; Environmental visualization; Tourism visitor experience
Guest, Dr. Kristen
Research and Expertise
Research Fields
- Culture
- History
Areas of Expertise
Victorian literature and culture, children's literature, gender, animal studies, history and representation of horses, Victorian theatre and melodrama, Victorian detective fiction, New Economic criticism, food and clothing studies, material culture studies.
Research and Expertise
Research Fields
- Mathematics
Areas of Expertise
Analytic and Algebraic Number Theory, Automorphic Forms, Hilbert Modular Forms, Half-Integral Weight Modular Forms, Special Values of Automorphic L-Functions
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