Bordun, Troy

PhD (Trent University)

Adjunct Professor


Dr. Troy Michael Bordun completed his doctoral degree in Cultural Studies at Trent University. His research interests include film genres, transnational cinema, celebrity studies, porn studies, and comics. Bordun’s publications in film studies include Genre Trouble and Extreme Cinema:Film Theory at the Fringes of Contemporary Art Cinema (Palgrave MacMillan, 2017), recent articles in Mise-en-scène and Cinephile, and a chapter in Screening Scarlett Johansson: Gender, Genre, Stardom (Palgrave MacMillan, 2020). He has published articles and reviews on sf cinema in Science Fiction Film and Television, CineAction, and Science Fiction Studies, and articles on the history of pornography in Synoptique, Porn Studies, and Celebrity Studies. Bordun was a co-director of Trent Film Society and his programs included a summer of global sf cinema and two three-day exhibitions, on non-narrative cinema and the history of pornography up to 1972, respectively. Bordun is also an occasional amateur video essayist.