To view all Dr. Parkes publications, please visit her profile on the ResearchGate website.
Journal Articles
Onabola, C.O., Andrews, N., Gislason, M.K., Harder, H.G., Parkes, M.W. (2022). Exploring Cross-Sectoral Implications of the Sustainable Development Goals: Towards a Framework for Integrating Health Equity Perspectives With the Land-Water-Energy Nexus.Public Health Reviews, 43, 1604362.
Buse, C.G., Allison, S., Cole, D.C., Fumerton, R., Parkes, M.W., & Woollard, R. (2022). Patient- and Community-Oriented Primary Care Approaches for Health in Rural, Remote and Resource-Dependent Places: Insights for Eco-Social Praxis. Health and Place, Front Public Health.10:867397. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.867397
Parkes, M.W. (2021). River conversations: A confluence of lessons and emergence from the Taieri River and the Nechako River. River Research and Applications, 38(3), 443-452.
Brubacher, J., Parkes, M., Buse, C., Takaro, T. (2021). Mapping and quantifying anthropogenic disturbances on the landscape. Applied Geography. (SUBMITTED, in review)
Buse, C.G., Bezzola, A., Brubacher, J., Takaro, T., Fredeen, A., & Parkes, M.W. (2021). Cumulative impacts of diverse land-uses in British Columbia: Applying the CalEnviroScreen methodology to a Canadian context to understand environment-community-health interactions. Canadian Journal of Public Health, [SUBMITTED]
Hancock, T., Tu'itahi, S., Watson, H., Egan, R., & Parkes, M.W. (2021). Waiora: A 70/70 Vision for Planetary Health Promotion in the Anthropocene. Global Health Promotion, [SUBMITTED]
Farrales, M., Hoogeveen, D., Sloan Morgan, V., de Leeuw, S., & Parkes, M.W. (2021). Framing Futurities in Photovoice, Health, and Environment: How Power is Reproduced and Challenged in Arts-Based Methods. GeoHumanities, [IN-PRESS]
Brisbois, B.W., Hoogeveen, D., Allison, S., Cole, D., Fyfe, T.M., Harder, H.G., Parkes, M.W. (2021). Storylines of research on resource extraction and health in Canada: A modified metanarrative synthesis. Social Science & Medicine, 277, DOI:10.1016/j.socscimed.2021.113899
Gislason, M.K., Galway, L., Buse, C., Parkes, M.W., & Rees, E. (2021). Place-based Climate Change Communication and Engagement in Canada’s Provincial North: Lessons Learned from Climate Champions, Environmental Communication, 1-16, DOI: 10.1080/17524032.2020.1869576
Aldred, T.‐L., Alderfer‐Mumma, C., de Leeuw, S., Farrales, M., Greenwood, M., Hoogeveen, D., O’Toole, R., Parkes, M.W. and Sloan Morgan, V. (2020). Mining sick: Creatively unsettling normative narratives about industry, environment, extraction, and the health geographies of rural, remote, northern, and Indigenous communities in British Columbia.The Canadian Geographer / Le Géographe canadien, 65(1), DOI:
McKimm, J., Redvers, N., Omrani, O. E., Parkes, M. W., Elf, M., & Woollard, R. (2020). Education for sustainable healthcare: Leadership to get from here to there. Medical Teacher, 42(10), 1123-1127, DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2020.1795104
Brubacher, J., Déry, S., Parkes, M.W., Allen, D., Sobie, S., Mak, S., Chhetri, B., & Takaro, T.K. (2020). Associations between five food and waterborne diseases and ecosystem classification, aquifer type and agricultural land in a changing climate. Science of The Total Environment. 728:138808. doi:
Picketts, I. M., Dery, S. J., Parkes, M. W., Sharma, A. R., & Matthews, C. A. (2020). Scenarios of climate change and natural resource development: complexity and uncertainty in the Nechako Watershed.The Canadian Geographer. 64(3).
Sloan Morgan, V., Hoogeveen, D., Farrales, M., Gislason, M., Parkes, M., Harder, H. (2020). Resource extraction and intersectoral research: Accountable relations in the Environment Community Health Observatory Network.Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space. 0(0).
Howard, C., Buse, C., Rose, C., MacNeill, A., & Parkes, M. (2019). Lancet Countdown 2019 Report: Briefing for Canadian Policymakers. London UK: University College of London and the Lancet.
McFarlane, R. A., Horwitz, P., Arabena, K., Capon, A., Jenkins, A., Jupiter, S., Negin, J., Parkes, M.W., & Saketa, S. (2019). Ecosystem services for human health in Oceania. Ecosystem Services, 39, Article 100976.
Parkes, M.W., Poland, B., Allison, S., Cole, D., Culbert, I., Gislason, MK., Hancock, T., Howard, C., Papadopoulos, A., & Waheed, F. (2019). Preparing for the future of public health: The ecological determinants of health and the call for an eco-social approach to public health education.Canadian Journal of Public Health. 111:60-64.
Parkes, M.W., Allison, S., Harder, H., Hoogeveen, D., Kutzner, D., ... , & Vaillancourt,C. (2019). Addressing the environmental, community and health impacts of resource development: Challenges across scales, sectors and sites. Challenges.10 (1), 22.
Horwitz, P. & Parkes, M.W. (2019). Intertwined Strands for Ecology in Planetary Health. Challenges.10(1), 20.
Buse, C.G., Lai, V., Cornish, K., & Parkes, M.W. (2019). Towards environmental health equity in health impact assessment: innovations and opportunities. Int J Public Health 64, 15–26.
Adams, L.B., Alter, T.R., Parkes, M.W., Reid, M., Woolnough, A.P. (2019). Political economics, collective action and wicked socio-ecological problems: A practice story from the field. Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Engagement, 12(1), 1-11, DOI: 10.5130/ijcre.v12i1.6496
Jenkins, A., Capon, A., Negin, J., Marais, B., Sorrell, T., Parkes, MW., & Horwitz, P. (2018). Watersheds in planetary health research and action.The Lancet Planetary Health. 2(12), 510-511.
Cole, D., Parkes M.W., Gislason, M., Saint-Charles, J., Webb, J., & Canadian Community of Practice in Ecosystem Approaches to Health. (2018). Evolution of capacity strengthening approaches for health, ecosystems and society: insights informed by involvement in the Canadian Community of Practice in Ecosystem Approaches to Health.Transformative Dialogues: Teaching & Learning Journal.11(2),
Brisbois, BW., Reschny, J., Fyfe, TM., Harder, HG., Parkes, MW., Allison, S., Buse, CG., Fumerton, R., & Oke, B. (2018). Mapping research on resource extraction and health: A scoping review.The Extractive Industries and Society. 6(1), 250-259
Gislason, M., Sloan Morgan, V., Mitchell-Foster, K., Parkes, MW. (2018). Voices from the landscape: Digital storytelling as counter-narrative and collective action for Northern BC watersheds.Health & Place. 54, 191-199.
Russell Jozkow, J. & Parkes M.W. (2018). Exploring Homelessness and a Re-Emerging Food System. Canadian Food Studies (Special Issue on Indigenous Food).5(2),162-179.
Buse, C., Oestreicher, J., Ellis, N., Partrick, R., Brisbois, B., Jenkins, A., McKellar, K., Kingsley, J., Gislason, M., Galway, L., McFarlane, R., Walker, J., Frumkin, H., & Parkes, M.W. (2018). A public health guide to field developments linking ecosystems, environments and health in the Anthropocene. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health. 72, 420-425.
Parkes, M.W. & Buse, C. (2017). A pilot of integrative (cumulative) health assessment in Northern British Columbia, Canada.European Journal of Public Health, 27(S3),
Brisbois, B.W., Bourgos Delgado, A., Barraza, D., Betancourt, O., Cole, D., Gislason, M., Mertens, F., Parkes, M.W. & Saint-Charles. J. (2017). Ecosystem approaches to health and knowledge-to-action: towards a political ecology of applied health-environment knowledge. Journal of Political Ecology. 24, 692-715.
de Leeuw, S., Parkes, M. W., Sloan Morgan, V., Christensen, J., Nicole, L., Mitchell Foster, K., & Russell Jozkow, J. (2017). Going Unscripted: A Call to Critically Engage Storytelling Methods and Methodologies in Geography and the Medical-Health Sciences. The Canadian Geographer / Le Géographe Canadien, 61(2), 152–164.
Parkes, M.W., Saint-Charles, J., Cole, D.C., Gislason, M., Hicks, E., Le Bourdais, C., McKellar, K.A., St-Cyr Bouchard, & Canadian Community of Practice in Ecosystem Approaches to Health Team. (2017). Strengthening collaborative capacity: Experiences from a short, intensive field course on ecosystems, health and society. Higher Education Research and Development. 36(5) 1031-1046.
Picketts, I., Parkes, M.W., & Déry, S. J. (2016). Climate Change and Resource Development Impacts in Watersheds: Insights from the Nechako River Basin, Canada. The Canadian Geographer / Le Géographe Canadien. 61(2), 196–211.
Galway L., Parkes MW., Allen, D., & Takaro, T. (2016). Building interdisciplinary research capacity: a key challenge for ecological approaches in public health. AIMS Public Health, 3(2), 389-406. 10.3934/publichealth.2016.2.389
Parkes MW (2016). Pacific connections for health, ecosystems and society: New approaches to the land-water-health nexus. Reviews on Environmental Health, 31(1), 125-130. http:/
Kingsley, J., Patrick, R., Horowitz, P., Parkes, M., Jenkins, A., Massy, C., Henderson-Wilson, C., & Arabena, K. (2015). Exploring Ecosystems and Health by Shifting to a Regional Focus: Perspectives from the Oceania EcoHealth Chapter.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 12, 12706-12722. 10.3390/ijerph121012706
Mahboubi, P., Parkes, M.W., & Chan, H.M. (2015). Challenges and opportunities of integrating human health into the Environmental Assessment process: the Canadian Experience. Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management.17(4).
Mahboubi, P., Parkes, M.W., & Chan, H.M. (2015). Using Expert Informed GIS to locate important marine social-ecological hotspots. Journal of Environmental Management, 160, 342-352. 10.1016/j.jenvman.2015.03.055
EcoHealth2014 Call to Action on Climate Change. (2014). EcoHealth, 11(4), 456–458. 10.1007/s10393-014-0985-0
Galway, L.P., Allen D.M., Parkes M.W., & Takaro, T.K. (2014). Hydroclimatic variables and acute gastrointestinal illness in British Columbia, Canada: A time-series analysis.Water Resources. 51(2), 885-895. doi: 10.1002/2014WR015519hydr.
Bunch, M. J., Parkes, M.W., Zubrycki, K., Venema, H., Hallstrom, L., Neudorffer, C., Berbes-Blazquez, M., & Morrison, K. (2014). Watershed Management and Public Health: An Exploration of the Intersection of Two Fields as Reported in the Literature from 2000 to 2010. Environmental Management, 54(2), 240–254. doi:10.1007/s00267-014-0301-3.
Saint-Charles, J., Surette, C., Parkes, MW., & Morrison, K.E. (2014). Connections for health, ecosystems and society, leading to action and change. EcoHealth 11, 279–280. doi: 10.1007/s10393-014-0945-8.
Berbés-Blázquez, M., Feagan, M., Waltner-Toews, D., & Parkes, M. W. (2014). The need for heuristics in ecosystem approaches to health. EcoHealth 11, 290–291, 2014. doi: 10.1007/s10393-014-0946-7.
Galway, L.P., Allen, D.M., Parkes, M.W., & Takaro, T.K. (2014). Seasonal variation of acute gastrointestinal illness by hydroclimatic regime and drinking water source: A retrospective population-based study. Journal of Water and Health 12 (1) 122-135. DOI: 10.2166/wh.2013.105.
Horwitz, P., Morrison, K., Parkes, M., Patz, J., and Zinsstag, J. (2013). Integrating Health, Sustainability and Ecosystems in the Post-2015 Development Agenda. Think Piece for Health in the Post-2015 Development Agenda
Parkes, M.W. (2012) Response to EcoHealth Editorial, Parkes M.W. (2011) Vol. 8, Issue 2. EcoHealth 9 (4) 378-380.
Blashki, G., Abelsohn, A., Woollard, R., Arya, N., Parkes, M.W., Kendall, P., Bell, E., & Bell, W. (2012). General Practitioners' responses to global climate change - lessons from clinical experience and the clinical method. Asia Pacific Family Medicine. 11(1): 6.
Déry, S.J., Hernández-Henríquez, M.A., Owens, P.N., Parkes, M.W. & Petticrew, E.L. (2012). A century of hydrological variability and trends in the Fraser River Basin.Environmental Research Letters 7 (024019): doi:10.1088/1748-9326/1087/1082/024019.
Parkes, M.W. (2012). Diversity, emergence, resilience: guides for a new generation of ecohealth research and practice. EcoHealth 8 (2), 137-139. DOI: 10.1007/s10393-011-0732-8
Spiegel, J., J. Breilh, E. Beltran, J. Parra, F. Solis, A. Yassi, A. Rojas, E. Orrego, B. Henry, WR. Bowie, L. Pearce, J. Gaibor, P. Velasquez, M. Concepcion, M. Parkes (2011). Establishing a community of practice of researchers, practitioners, policy-makers and communities to sustainably manage environmental health risks in Ecuador. BMC International Health and Human Rights 11(Suppl 2): S5.
Parkes, M.W., de Leeuw, S., & Greenwood, M. (2011). Warming up to the embodied context of First Nations child health: A critical intervention into and analysis of health and climate change research. International Public Health Journal 2010, 2 (4), 477-485.
Bunch, M.J., Morrison, K., Parkes, M.W., Venema, H.D. (2011). Promoting health and well-being in watersheds by managing for social-ecological resilience: The potential of integrating ecohealth and water resources management approaches. Ecology & Society 16 (1).
Parkes, M.W., Morrison, K., Bunch, M.J., Hallström, L.K., Neudoerffer, R.C., Venema, H.D., & Waltner-Toews, D. (2010) Towards Integrated Governance for Water, Health and Social-Ecological Systems: The Watershed Governance Prism. Global Environmental Change. 20(4): 693-704.
Webb, J., Mergler, D., Parkes, M.W., Saint-Charles, J., Spiegel, J., Waltner-Toews, D. et al. (2010). Tools for Thoughtful Action: the role of ecosystem approaches to health in enhancing public health. Canadian Journal of Public Health 101(6): 439-441.
Parkes, M.W., & Horwitz, P. (2009). Water, ecology and health: Exploring ecosystems as 'settings' for promoting health and sustainability. Health Promotion International, 24, 94 -102.
Parkes, M.W., Spiegel, J., Breilh, J., Cabarcas, F., Huish, R., & Yassi, A. (2009). Building sustainable capacity to promote the health of marginalized populations through international collaboration: Examining community-oriented training innovations in Ecuador.Bulletin of the World Health Organization. 87 (4) 312-319.
Stephens, C., Parkes, M.W., & Chang, H. (2007). Indigenous perspectives on ecosystem sustainability and healthEcoHealth, 4 (4), 369-370.
Parkes, M.W., Bienen, L., Breilh, J., Hsu, L.N., McDonald, M., Patz, J.A., Rosenthal, J., Sahani, M., Sleigh, A., Waltner-Toews, D., & Yassi, A. (2005). All hands on deck: A transdisciplinary, social-ecological systems-based approach to emerging infectious disease. EcoHealth 2 (4), 258-272.
Parkes, M.W., Eyles, R., Benwell, G., Panelli, R., Townsend, C., & Weinstein, P. (2004). Integration of ecology and health research at the catchment scale: The Taieri River Catchment, New Zealand. Journal of Rural and Remote Environmental Health 3 (1), 1-17.
Wilcox, B., Aguirre, A.A., Daszak, P., Horwitz, P., Martens, P., Parkes, M.W., Patz, J.A., & Waltner-Toews, D. (2004). EcoHealth: A transdisciplinary imperative for a sustainable future.EcoHealth 1 (1), 3-5.
Parkes, M.W., Panelli, R., & Weinstein, P. (2003). Converging paradigms for environmental health theory and practice. Environmental Health Perspectives. 111(5), 669-675.
Parkes, M.W., & Panelli, R. (2001). Integrating catchment ecosystems and community health: The value of participatory action research.Ecosystem Health 7(2), 85-106.
Witten, K., Parkes, M.W., & Ramasubramanian, L. (2000). Participatory environmental health research in Aotearoa/New Zealand: Constraints and opportunities. Health Education and Behaviour. 27(3), 371-384.
Peer-reviewed Books and Book Chapters

Parkes, M.W. (2020). Working together for WHOLE systems: approaching well-being and health, while oriented to living-systems and equity. In C. Stephens (Ed.), Animals, Health, and Society Health Promotion, Harm Reduction, and Health Equity in a One Health World, 1st edition. (Chapter 5). Taylor and Francis Group. ISBN 9780429320873.

Buse, C., Cole, D., & Parkes, M.W. (2020). Health security in the context of social-ecological change. In A. Lautensach and S. Lautensach (Eds.), Security in World Affairs: Problems and Opportunities, 2nd edition. (Chapter 17). BCcampus & University of Northern British Columbia

Poland, B., Parkes, M.W., Hancock, T., McKibbon, G., & Chircop, A. (2020). A Changing Role for Public Health in the Anthropocene: The Contribution of Scenario Thinking for Reimagining the Future. In S. Quilley & K. Zywert (Eds.), Health in the Anthropocene: Living Well on a Finite Planet. (Chapter 6). University of Toronto Press.

Soskolne, C. L., Bunch, M. J., Butler, C. D., & Parkes, M.W. (2018). Navigating complexity, promoting health: Insights from the emergence of ‘ecohealth’ and ‘one health’. In L. Westra, K. Bosselmann, J. Gray, & K. Gwiazdon (Eds.), Ecological Integrity, Law and Governance (Chapter 8). London and New York: Taylor and Francis Group.

Gislason, M.K., Buse, C., Dolan, S., Parkes, M.W., Tosh, J., & Woollard, B. (2017). The complex impacts of intensive resource extraction on women, children, and Aboriginal peoples: Towards contextually-informed approaches to climate change and health. In MG. Cohen (Ed.), Climate Change and Gender in Rich Countries: Work, Public Policy and Action. (Part 5). Routledge: Earthscan.

Galway, L.P., Parkes, M.W., Corbett, K.K., Allen, D.M., & Takaro, T. (2016). Climate change frames in public health and water resource management: Towards intersectoral climate change adaptation. In W. Leal Filho, H. Musa, G. Cavan, P. O’Hare, & J. Seixas (Eds.), Climate Change Adaptation, Resilience and Hazards. (Chapter 3). Springer International Publishing.

Horwitz, P. & Parkes, M.W. (2016). Scoping Health Impact Assessment: Ecosystem Services as a Framing Device. In D. Geneletti (Ed.), Handbook on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Impact Assessment. (Chapter 4). Northhampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.

Parkes, M.W. & Horwitz, P. (2016). Ecology and Ecosystems as Foundational for Health. In Environmental Health: From Global to Local, 3rd edition. (Chapter 2). Jossey-Bass.
Parkes, M.W. (2016). Cumulative Determinants of Health Impacts in Rural, Remote, and Resource-Dependent Communities. In M.P. Gillingham, G.R. Halseth, C.J. Johnson, & M.W. Parkes (Eds.), The Integration Imperative: Cumulative Environmental, Community and Health Impacts of Multiple Natural Resource Developments (pp. 117-152). Springer International AG. E-book available online at Springer
Gillingham, M., Halseth, G., Johnson, C., & Parkes, M.W. (eds). (2015). The Integration Imperative: Cumulative Environmental, Community and Health Impacts of Multiple Natural Resource Developments. New York, NY: Springer International Publishing. E-book available online at Springer
Hancock, T., Spady, D.S., & Soskolne, C.L. (Editors); Allison, S., Chircop, A., Harper, S., McKibbon, G., Parkes, M.W., & Poland, B. (Contributing Authors) (2015). Global Change and Public Health: Addressing the Ecological Determinants of Health. The Report in Brief. CPHA Working Group on the Ecological Determinants of Health. April 2015.
Horwitz, P., Kretsch, C., Jenkins, A., bin Rahim Abdul, B.A., Campbell, K., Carter, M., Henwood, W., Lovell, W., Malone-Lee, L.C.M., Moewaka-Barnes, H., Montenegro, R., Parkes, M.W., Patz, J., Roe, J.J., Romanelli, C., Sitthisuntik, K., Stephen, C., Townsend, M., & Wright, P. (2015) "Contribution of biodiversity and green spaces to mental and physical fitness, and cultural dimensions of health". In Romanelli, C., Cooper D., Campbell-Lendrum, D., Maiero, M., Karesh, W., Hunter, D., & Golden, C (eds) Connecting Global Priorities: Biodiversity and Human Health, a state of Knowledge Review. World Health Organization (WHO); Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).
Hallstrom, L.K., Guelstorf, N., Parkes M.W. (eds). (2015). “Ecosystems, Society and Health: Pathways through diversity, Convergence and Integration”. Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press.
Blaskhi, G., Abelsohn, A., Flegg, K.M., & Parkes M.W. (eds). "Family practitioners in the field: Environmental stories from across the globe". E-book published by the World Organization of Family Doctors (WONCA, Global Family Doctor).
Hallstrom, L.K., Parkes, M.W., & Guelstorf, N. (2015). Convergence and diversity: Integrating Encounters with Health, Ecological and Social Concerns. Chapter 1 in “Ecosystems, Society and Health: Pathways through diversity, Convergence and Integration”. Hallstrom LK, N Guelstorf, MW Parkes (eds) McGill-Queens University Press.
Parkes MW. (2015). ‘Just Add Water’: Dissolving Barriers to Collaboration and Learning for Health, Ecosystems and Equity. Chapter 7 in “Ecosystems, Society and Health: Pathways through Diversity, Convergence and Integration”. Hallstrom L.K., Guelstorf, N., Parkes, M.W. (eds) McGill-Queens University Press.
Parkes, M.W., Horwitz, P., & Waltner-Toews, D. (2013). Ecohealth. In A. C. Michalos (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research. p. 1770-1774. Springer: Dordrecht, Netherlands.
Parkes, M.W., Charron, D. & Sanchez, A. (2012). Better Together: Field-building Networks at the Frontiers of Ecohealth Research. Ecohealth Research in Practice: Innovative Applications of an Ecosystem Approach to Health. D. Charron, New York, NY, USA Springer/ International Development Research Centre, Ottawa, Canada.
Corvalan C, Hales S, Woodward A (Coordinating Lead Authors), Campbell-Lendrum D, Ebi K, De Avila Pires F, Soskolne, CL (Lead Authors), Butler C, Githeko A, Lindgren E, Parkes, M. W. (Contributing Authors), Epstein P, Rabinovich J, Weinstein P (Review Editors) (2005). Consequences and Options for Human Health. In K Chopra, R Leemans, P Kumar, H Simons (Eds.), ‘Ecosystems and Human Well-being: Policy Responses, Volume 3.’ The Millenium Ecosystem Assessment Series. Findings of the Responses Working Group of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. Island Press.
Parkes, M.W., & Weinstein, P. (2004). An Ecosystems Approach. In Cameron, Cromar, Fallowfield (Eds.), Environmental Health in Australia and New Zealand. Oxford University Press. p.45-65.
Nicolopoulou-Stamati, P., Howard, C.V., Parkes, M. W., and Hens, L. (2000) ‘Awareness of the health impacts of waste management', in Nicolopoulou-Stamati, P., Howard, C.V., and Hens, L. eds, Health Impacts of Waste Management Policies, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, p. 1-26.
Parkes, M.W. (2005). Catchment and Community Health. In G Robinson, R Panelli (Eds.), “Living with the Taieri”.
Parkes, M. W., Kutzner, D., Fumerton, R. (2020). Environments and Health Signature Initiative Intersectoral Prevention Research Mid-Term Progress Report. ECHO Network and Northern Health, Prince George, BC.
Buse, C. G., Cornish, K., Parkes, M. W., Harder, H., Fumerton, R., Rasali, D., Li, C., Oke, B., Loewen, D., Aalhus, M. (2019). Towards more robust and locally meaningful indicators for monitoring the social determinants of health related to resource development across Northern BC. Report prepared for Northern Health, Prince George, BC: University of Northern British Columbia.
Howard, C., Buse, C., Rose, C., MacNeill, A., & Parkes, M. (2019). Lancet Countdown 2019 Report: Briefing for Canadian Policymakers. London UK: University College of London and the Lancet.
Parkes, M.W., Horwitz, P., Buse, C., Dolan, S., Gislason, M., & Woollard, R. (2018). Ecosystems as Foundational for Health. In: EkoSanté Training Manual in Ecosystem Approaches to Health. Produced for Pan-American Health Organisation.
Matthews, C., Picketts, I., Déry, S., Parkes, M.W., & Sharma, A. (2015). Climate Change & Resource Development Scenarios for the Nechako Watershed: Workshop Report May 2015. Prince George, BC: University of Northern British Columbia.
Picketts, I., Déry, S.J., & Parkes, M.W. (2014) Changing Landscapes, Changing Lives: Exploring climate change impacts in the Nechako Watershed, and implications to natural resource development. University of Northern BC and Fraser Basin Council. Prince George, BC, 55pp. (Access 10-page overview)
International Association for Ecology & Health (IAEH). 2012 “Kunming Position Statement. Ecohealth Contributions to Millennium Development Goals”. (Contributing Author)
Morrison, K. E., Parkes, M.W., Hallstrom, L. H., Neudoerffer, C. V., Bunch, M. J., & Venema, H. D. (2012). Ecohealth and watersheds: Watersheds as settings for health and well-being in Canada. Network for Ecosystem Sustainability and Health (Publication Series No. 3) and the International Institute for Sustainable Development, Winnipeg, MB.
Parkes, M.W.(2011). Ecohealth & Aboriginal Health: A Review of Common Ground. Prince George, BC: National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health.
Parkes, M.W., Morrison, K., Bunch, M., Venema, H. (2008). Ecohealth and watersheds: Ecosystem approaches to re-integrate water resource management with health and well-being. Network for Ecosystem Sustainability & Health (Publication Series No. 2) & the International Institute for Sustainable Development, Winnipeg, MB.
Harlap, Y. (2008). Road to Global Citizenship - An Educator's Toolbook. Centre for Teaching and Academic Growth, University of British Columbia. Vancouver BC. (Contributing Author)
Taylor, P., Dharamsi, S., Aggor, R., Bell, D., Bunyi, G., Clough, M., Chantaworn, P., Fryer, M., Hanxhanlash, J., Jones, S., Kleiman, F., Ndidde, A., Parkes, M.W, & Tembe, J. (2007). Higher Education and Participatory Development. University of British Columbia, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Institute of Development Studies (IDS).
Parkes, M.W. (2003). The Taieri Catchment and community health survey. Geography and Health Research Report Series, Report Number: 2. Department of Geography, University of Otago & Public Health South. Dunedin, New Zealand ISSN: 1176-1946.