UNBC research income increases for fourth straight year
UNBC's research income increased for the fourth straight year in the latest Canada’s Top 50 Research Universities rankings produced by Research Infosource Inc.

Prince George, B.C. – Research funding at UNBC jumped nearly 17 per cent as the University of Northern British Columbia moved up two spots in the latest edition of Canada’s Top 50 Research Universities produced by Research Infosource Inc.
UNBC earned $17.7 million in research income in fiscal year 2022, the fourth straight year UNBC’s total has increased. It marks the second highest total ever in UNBC history, nearly matching the $17.8 million earned in 2010.
“Every day UNBC researchers are leading change in their fields by sharing what they learn and discover with the world,” says UNBC President Dr. Geoff Payne. “Earning research funds is a competitive process, so it is gratifying to see that UNBC’s researchers have been successful in increasing the amount of research income for four consecutive years.”
This year, Research Infosource did a five-year spotlight on university research partnerships and collaborations. UNBC saw substantial growth in all of the metrics analyzed, including a 157 per cent increase in corporate funded research, a 105 per cent increase in cross-sector publication collaborations and an 82 per cent increase in not-for-profit research income.
“Through partnerships with individuals and groups in the non-profit sector, with industry, and with fellow academics from around the world, UNBC researchers are identifying solutions to help communities prepare for pressing global challenges,” says UNBC Vice-President Research and Innovation Dr. Paula Wood-Adams. “Our faculty, as both innovators and mentors, continue to create an enriching environment where students are inspired to discover through research.”
Highlights from the last year include the launch of the third phase of a multidisciplinary examination of the Nechako River Basin, the creation of UNBC’s first United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Chair, and UNBC becoming a university member of TRIUMF, Canada’s particle accelerator centre.