UNBC Employees up for the Challenge

Media Release

December 7, 2012

Employees at the University of Northern British Columbia are proud of their institution and its students – that was the conclusion of the recent Employee Challenge at the University. The one month fundraising appeal to faculty and staff was issued to raise the profile of employee giving and highlight the role these donations play in the success of UNBC.  During November, the number of faculty and staff who donate rose from 11 to 16 percent, exceeding the Challenge’s 15 percent target. UNBC’s Employee Challenge was led by a volunteer committee made up of UNBC faculty and staff.

“I am deeply grateful to the faculty and staff who contribute to the University. On November 1, some of those leaders challenged themselves and their fellow members of the UNBC community to increase the number of individuals who give to UNBC. It was a great success," says UNBC President George Iwama. “I have been touched and impressed by the spirit and optimism behind each commitment. I am also impressed with the actions and leadership of these champions. UNBC will benefit from their contributions for many years to come. The generosity of each donor will help the institution in many ways, including the support to our students. Thank You!"

During the Employee Challenge, the number of employee donors went from 91 to 129 out of the University’s 807 employees. “I’ve been giving to UNBC for years now supporting scholarships and bursaries,” says UNBC Registration Officer Jo-Anne Woods, winner of the 2012 Employee Challenge Gift Basket drawn from all on-going employee donors. “I give to UNBC because I want to see this University and our region succeed."

During the 2010-2011 fiscal year, UNBC raised about $1,500,000 in pledges and gifts. Each year, about 900 donors – individuals, businesses, corporations, associations, foundations, and communities – contribute to the University. Funds collected go towards initiatives such as the Area of Greatest Need, Canada’s Green University Fund, UNBC Athletics and student scholarships and bursaries.

“The appeal generated positive energy, and the response shows that employees are engaged with the university’s success,” says UNBC Development Manager Kathie Scouten. ”Donations of any amount are a positive investment in the future of northern BC.”

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