Louka named national female athlete of the week

University of Northern British Columbia women’s basketball player Vasiliki Louka received national recognition for her outstanding performance over the weekend. On Wednesday the third-year forward is the first Timberwolves student-athlete ever to be named the ArcelorMittal Dofasco U Sports female athlete of the week for the period ending Dec. 4. 

“It’s not an individual award for me,” Louka said. “It’s more like a team award because if my teammates did not play well and did not support me, I wouldn’t have been able to achieve that.”

Louka, an environmental studies student from Athens, Greece, recorded back-to-back double doubles on the weekend, as UNBC swept their weekend series with Thompson Rivers – the team’s first victories over the Wolfpack in three seasons.

The Timberwolves forward scored 14 points and brought in 15 rebounds, while adding four assists in an 89-82 win on Friday, followed by a 22-point, 13-rebound, three-block performance Saturday in a 68-57 triumph. Louka also led all players with a weekend-high 68 minutes played.

Basketball players Nicole Morrison of Laurier and Quételine Célestin of UQAM were also nominated for the women’s award.

Louka said she was surprised by the award because despite the big numbers, she knows can still play even better.

“This recognition gives us more confidence to keep working hard,” she said. “Over the Christmas break we’ll work on our weaknesses. I think after the break we will be better.”

The Timberwolves return to the court in Lethbridge on Jan. 6 and 7 for games against the Pronghorns. They are back at the Charles Jago Northern Sport Centre on Jan. 13 and 14 for games against Mount Royal.