Knowledge That Moves program to fund international student travel

Media Release
A UNBC student stands in front of Uluru, also known as Ayers Rock, in Australia.
UNBC student Nicole Boyd travelled to Australia through the Travelling Knowledges program. The new Knowledge That Moves program will give more students the chance to travel as part of their studies at UNBC. Photo courtesy Nicole Boyd.

Prince George, B.C. – More University of Northern British Columbia students will be able to include international travel as part of their studies through the new Knowledge That Moves program set to launch in 2024. 

The Canadian Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarship program is providing nearly $290,000 in funding to launch the new student mobility program that will create opportunities for UNBC students to study, research or take part in international internships for course credit.  

“Students who participate in international travel as part of their studies are able to engage with different cultures, learn from diverse perspectives and share their experiences with their classmates when they return,” says UNBC President Dr. Geoff Payne. “The Knowledge That Moves program is one way UNBC can foster a culture of curiosity by encouraging students to explore the world, meet new people and interact with different ways of knowing.” 

Knowledge That Moves will support travel of 60 days or greater to one or more of 138 eligible countries for upper-level undergraduate and graduate students 36 years of age or younger and are Canadian citizens or permanent residents. The program will also fund one incoming international student in the International Studies Master of Arts program each year.

“This is a tremendous opportunity available only at a select few universities in Canada,” says UNBC History Professor and Knowledge That Moves program lead Dr. Jacqueline Holler. “We hope that all eligible UNBC students will take advantage of the opportunity for a truly transformative learning experience,” 

The Canadian Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarships (QES) is managed through a unique partnership of Universities Canada, the Rideau Hall Foundation, and Canadian universities. QES 2024 is made possible with financial support from Community Foundations of Canada in collaboration with Victor Dahdeleh.

Knowledge That Moves is built on the success of the existing and ongoing Travelling Knowledges program at UNBC as well as the previous Cross-Cultural Indigenous Knowledge Exchange program. 

“Our third successful international student mobility program plays a pivotal role in fostering cross-cultural and multilingual understanding and global cooperation,” says UNBC Global and International Studies Associate Professor and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Co-Chair in Living Heritage and Sustainable Livelihoods Dr. Agnieszka Pawlowska-Mainville. 

“Knowledge That Moves aligns closely with the missions of Global and International Studies department at UNBC as well as the UNESCO Chair in Living Heritage and Sustainable Livelihoods’ to promote cultural heritage transmission and sustainable development through education. By facilitating the exchange of diverse perspectives and knowledge - in any discipline - our program enriches not only academic experience but also empowers students to become global citizens.” 

Launched in 2022, Travelling Knowledges has supported 35 students travelling to 20 different countries for field schools, independent projects and other travel related to course study. Seven of those students are currently in the field in countries ranging from Poland to New Zealand to Turkey. 

“I would absolutely encourage other students to participate in the Travelling Knowledges program,” says recent Bachelor of Arts in Geography graduate Jessica Froese who received funding through the program to travel to Norway. “Travelling in itself is a formative experience and when combined with a critical academic perspective, it makes for an incredible trip." 

Knowledge That Moves will begin accepting applications on Feb. 1, 2024 for travel between May 1, 2024 and Dec. 31, 2027. Travelling Knowledges is continuing to accept applications for travel until March 31, 2025. 

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