International Education Partnership

Four university and college Presidents sign an MOU
Pictured above, from left: UNBC President Dr. Daniel Weeks, Coast Mountain College President and CEO Ken Burt, Northern Lights College President and CEO Dr. Bryn Kulmatycki and College of New Caledonia President Henry Reiser sign a memorandum of understanding to facilitate international student transfers.

Four post-secondary institutions in Northern B.C. are working together to make it easier for international students to transition from college to university.

The University of Northern British Columbia, along with the College of New Caledonia, Northern Lights College and Coast Mountain College signed a memorandum of understanding to provide guaranteed university admission for qualified international students applying to undergraduate degree programs at UNBC.

“This partnership forges new student pathways between the University and the three colleges in Northern B.C., which will help us further our commitment to enhance the opportunities for international students at UNBC,” says UNBC President Dr. Daniel Weeks. “International students bring new ideas and learning styles to our campuses and enhance cultural diversity for the entire University community.”

The four post-secondary institutions signed the agreement at UNBC when they hosted 16 education consultants from nine countries for a two-day Great Northern familiarization tour. Over the course of the visit, the consultants familiarized themselves with all four northern institutions and school districts from across Northern B.C.

The consultants work to pre-screen and select high-quality international students who are interested in studying in Canada. They came from Nigeria, Turkey, China, Russia, Mauritius, India, Mexico, Iran and Canada.

The tour marks the first time the four institutions have collaborated in this way and is part of an ongoing effort to work together to promote the outstanding educational opportunities available in Northern B.C.