Engineering student wins Women in Technology scholarship

UNBC Stories
Aur Hager along student street.
Aur Hager applied for the Women in Technology Scholarship after completing her first year at UNBC.

Environmental Engineering student Aur Hager earned a Women in Technology Scholarship from the BC Scholarship Society.

“Receiving this award is a great honour, but I also see it as a responsibility to help pave the way for other women and gender non-conforming people to get an education and start a career in science, technology, engineering or math,” Hager says.

“This scholarship is not about supporting individuals, in my eyes, but supporting the collective. Now it is my turn to pay it forward and help others.”

Awarded to students who have completed at least one full year of post-secondary studies, the scholarship is based on both academic achievement as well as a demonstrated commitment to pursuing a career in the technology sector.

“This scholarship is not only helpful in that it assists me in paying for my studies, but it is also giving me a new outlook on the next three years of school,” Hager adds. “Receiving this award has boosted my confidence and my conviction that I deserve to be here, and that I'm capable of completing this degree no matter how difficult it will be.”