Mini Med School Curriculum

Behind the Scenes: A Peek into Medicine

Mini Med School offers informative lectures and hands-on activities relating to medicine and health.

Check out the following topics as examples of what you can learn at future Mini Med sessions. 

Doctor appointment

Doctor's Visit or Interrogation?

Have you ever been to a doctor's appointment and wondered, "Why are they asking me that?" Find out why doctors ask the questions they ask, and learn how they use your answers to shape the diagnosis.


Avoiding the Online Rabbit Hole

Have you ever left a doctor’s appointment wanting more information? Do you use the Internet to find that information? Join us and find out how to effectively find health information online and learn strategies to evaluate what you find.

HPV vaccine

Now Available: First Cancer Vaccine

80% of men and women will be infected with the cancer-causing human papilloma virus (HPV). Discussion on HPV, its prevention and treatment, and the potential to end cervical cancer with the first ever cancer vaccine.

broken bone

How Bones Heal

In this session on fracture treatment, you will learn how fractures heal, and how an orthopedic surgeon may guide healing to improve the result for patients.

Views of the amazing microscopic process and the changes that can be seen on X-ray will be revealed.

Emergency team

Paging the Trauma Team to the ER!

This session takes us from the scene of a car accident and walks us through the scene that unfolds in the Emergency Department and beyond. Help out the team by trying your hand at some life-saving procedures!

Linear accelerator machine

Treating Cancer with Radiotherapy

A majority of patients with cancer will undergo radiotherapy at some point during their journey. In this session, you will learn the basic mechanisms of radiotherapy, indications for its use, and recent advances in treatment.


The Science Behind Diabetes

We can treat diabetes, but why haven’t we found a cure? Find out how understanding the science behind diabetes has led to the development of current treatments, with promising new advances on the horizon.