2024 Privacy Impact Assessments

Department  Initiative Lead  Contact Email 
Information Technology Services  Manager, Enterprise Systems and Projects  Pat.Herbert@unbc.ca

PIA Description

Identity-sync is a middleware system used to synchronize data between Banner and Active Directory. Identity-sync manages the large volume of UNBC accounts by automating the provisioning and decommissioning of said accounts. 

Information Collected or Created Reason for Collection or Creation  FOIPPA Authorization 
Name To create UNBC account.   Section 26(c)
Email address   To send UNBC account activation emails to new students. Section 26(c)
UNBC account  Created as part of this initiative.  Section 26(c)
Users How information is used  FOIPPA Authorization 
ITS Employees  Manage the tool, provision accounts, and generate account activation emails.  Section 32(a)
Office of the Registrar Employees  Responsible for managing the student record in Banner.  Section 32(a)
Disclosure of Personal Information This initiative does not involve third party disclosure. 
Storage of Personal Information  This initiative accesses and uses information stored in existing data banks and does not store any personal information.  
Personal Information Bank (PIB)  This initiative does not result in a personal information bank. 
Common or Integrated Initiative No, as required by section 69(5.4) of FOIPPA and defined in Schedule 1: Definitions.         
Accuracy and Correction  Follow this link for information on how to request a correction of your personal information.

Departments Initiative Leads Contact Emails 
Finance and Human Resources 

Director, Finance 

Director, Human Resources 



PIA Description

AscenTech Solutions Inc. will assess UNBC’s current process, configurations, and uses of Banner Finance and HR/Payroll, working with the teams to identify knowledge gaps, issues, and technical barriers and then assist with addressing discovered gaps. Additionally, AscenTech will assist Finance and HR with projects and tasks within their respective Banner modules. 

Information Collected or Created Reason for Collection or Creation  FOIPPA Authorization 
Banner Finance data set No novel data elements will be collected during this initiative.  N/A
Banner HR data set No novel data elements will be collected during this initiative. N/A
Users How information is used  FOIPPA Authorization 
Finance Employees Use the information to identify Banner gaps, issues, and technical barriers and work on Banner projects. Section 32(a)
HR Employees Use the information to identify Banner gaps, issues, and technical barriers and work on Banner projects. Section 32(a)
Disclosure of Personal Information Information will be disclosed to AscenTech Solutions so that they can fulfill the terms of their agreement with UNBC as described in the description above. 
Storage of Personal Information  All information involved in this initiative is stored on UNBC servers. Personal information will not leave UNBC systems. 
Personal Information Bank (PIB)  This initiative does not result in a personal information bank.
Common or Integrated Initiative No, as required by section 69(5.4) of FOIPPA and defined in Schedule 1: Definitions.             
Accuracy and Correction  Follow this link for information on how to request a correction of your personal information.

Department  Initiative Lead  Contact Email 
Career Centre   Manager, Student Experience and Planning  Rachelle.Munchinsky@unbc.ca

PIA Description

The Career Centre uses Symplicity to modernize career services, enhance co-op program growth, improve employer relations, and boost the University’s reputation. Symplicity helps the Career Centre better support student’s job aspirations and improves co-op opportunities. 

Information Collected or Created Reason for Collection or Creation  FOIPPA Authorization 
Name Student identification.  Section 26(c)
Email address   Student identification and contact.  Section 26(c)
Student ID number  Student identification. Section 26(c)
Program Identification of eligibility for program.  Section 26(c)
International/domestic status  Identification of eligibility for program. Section 26(c)
Graduate/undergrad status  Identification of eligibility for program. Section 26(c)
GPA/cGPA Eligibility verification.  Section 26(c)
Student documents (resume, cover letter, etc.) So that students can be supported as they apply for jobs.  Section 26(c)
Notes on students For operation and recording.  Section 26(c)
Users How information is used  FOIPPA Authorization 
Career Centre Coordinators  Management of the system.  Section 32(a)
Faculty  To assist students and connect with employers. Section 32(a)
Student Ambassadors To assist students and connect with employers.  Section 32(a)
Disclosure of Personal Information Aggregate reports are disclosed to CEWIL and ACEWIL. Student information is disclosed to prospective employers as part of the job application process. 
Storage of Personal Information  Symplicity is a SaaS and uses AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Oracle Cloud to store information. Information is stored in Canada. 
Personal Information Bank (PIB)  This initiative does result in a personal information bank.
Common or Integrated Initiative No, as required by section 69(5.4) of FOIPPA and defined in Schedule 1: Definitions.         
Accuracy and Correction  Follow this link for information on how to request a correction of your personal information.

Collection Notice 

Your personal information will be collected for accessing Career Centre resources. If you have any questions about the collection of this personal information, contact hirestudents@unbc.ca. This information is being collected by the UNBC Career Centre under FOIPPA section 26. 

Department  Initiative Lead  Contact Email 
Security and Parking  Manager, Security and Parking Scott.McMillan@unbc.ca

PIA Description

TrackTik allows UNBC to verify that all parts of campus are being routinely checked by Security. Security Officers scan adhesive tags located around campus, recording what locations they have checked during routine security sweeps. TrackTik is also used by Security and Parking staff to log safety, security, or parking incidents. Generated reports are used by Safety and Security and Parking to follow up on incidents and the individuals reporting or impacted by them. 

Information Collected or Created Reason for Collection or Creation  FOIPPA Authorization 
Name Identify impacted individuals. Section 26(c)
Date of birth Identify impacted individuals. Section 26(c)
Affiliation with UNBC Identify impacted individuals. Section 26(c)
UNBC ID number  Identify impacted individuals. Section 26(c)
Contact information  Communicate with impacted individuals.  Section 26(c)
License plate number  Identity vehicles involved in an incident.  Section 26(c)
Other incident specific information  Further details may be required to document incidents and follow up appropriately.  Section 26(c)
Users How information is used  FOIPPA Authorization 
Security and Parking Officers Collect incident information and submit reports. Section 32(a)
Security Supervisors Collect incident information, submit reports, and review submitted reports.  Section 32(a)

Manager, Security and Parking 

Manager, OH&S

Follow up on submitted reports.  Section 32(a)
Director, Enterprise Risk and Safety  Determines course of action and reviews summaries of submitted reports.  Section 32(a)
Disclosure of Personal Information Depending on the incident, personal information may be disclosed to emergency services including the RCMP and Fire Rescue.
Storage of Personal Information  TrackTik is a SaaS and uses AWS servers. Information is stored in Canada. 
Personal Information Bank (PIB)  This initiative does result in a PIB. 
Common or Integrated Initiative No, as required by section 69(5.4) of FOIPPA and defined in Schedule 1: Definitions. 
Accuracy and Correction  Follow this link for information on how to request a correction of your personal information.

Collection Notice 

UNBC Security collects personal information in order to document security, safety, and parking related incidents and generate reports for follow up with impacted individuals. For more information on what information UNBC collects, contact Scott.McMillan@unbc.ca. UNBC is authorized to collect this information under section 26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Department  Initiative Lead  Contact Email 
Finance and Hospitality Services  Manager, Hospitality Services  deb.vanadrichem@unbc.ca

PIA Description

Cybersource is a payment gateway solution by Visa that integrates with Seattle Tech’s software. Cybersource will be used to collect payments for reservations, donations, workshops, career fairs, and other events. 

Information Collected or Created Reason for Collection or Creation  FOIPPA Authorization 
Name of payee  Required to process payments with the payee.  Section 26(c)
Email of payee To send confirmation of payment email. Section 26(c)
Adress of payee  To complete the payment and send receipts.  Section 26(c)
Payment information Required to process payments.  Section 26(c)
Users How information is used  FOIPPA Authorization 
Hospitality Services employees Will use transaction reports to reconcile payments. May process payments over the phone. Section 32(a)
Finance employees  Will use transaction reports for auditing. Section 32(a)
Disclosure of Personal Information Once Cybersource processes a transaction, they disclose the confirmation of payment to Seattle Tech. 
Storage of Personal Information  Cybersource stores information on Visa operated servers. UNBC generated transaction reports will be stored on premises. Information will be stored outside of Canada. 
Personal Information Bank (PIB)  This initiative does not result in a personal information bank. 
Common or Integrated Initiative No, as required by section 69(5.4) of FOIPPA and defined in Schedule 1: Definitions.         
Accuracy and Correction  Follow this link for information on how to request a correction of your personal information.

Collection Notice 

Your personal information is being collected by UNBC in order to process your payment. UNBC is authorized to collect this information under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act section 26(c). If you have any questions about the collection of your personal information, please contact [email].

Department  Initiative Lead  Contact Email 
Parking and Security  Manager, Security and Parking parking@unbc.ca

PIA Description

This PIA consolidates all parking management and enforcement tools and processes into one assessment. Parking at UNBC is managed by Parking and Security with involvement from the Northern Sport Centre and Finance. Tools used include the T2 suite, Pay-by-Phone, and physical pay stations. UNBC also has an ISA with ICBC to assist with parking enforcement.

Information Collected or Created Reason for Collection or Creation  FOIPPA Authorization 
License plate number Collected when customers pay for parking or to generate a citation for individuals that do not pay. Section 26(c)
Name Collected to identify vehicle owners or drivers. Section 26(c)
UNBC ID number Collected from employees who opt in to automatic payroll deductions. Also to verify and consolidate duplicate T2 accounts. Section 26(c)
Payment information Collected when individuals pay for parking or resolve outstanding citations. Section 26(c)
Email address Collected when individuals choose to initiate a citation appeal. Section 26(c)
Physical address Collected to verify and consolidate duplicate T2 accounts. Section 26(c)
Phone number Collected when individuals opt in to receiving text message alerts about the expiry of their parking. May also be used if a crisis involving that vehicle is reported.  Section 26(c)
Users How information is used  FOIPPA Authorization 
Manager, Parking and Security Use information to verify and consolidate duplicated accounts in T2, respond to appeals, adjust citations, and manage user access.  Section 32(a)
Manager, OHS Use information to verify and consolidate duplicated accounts in T2, respond to appeals, adjust citations, and manage user access. Section 32(a)
Director, Enterprise Risk and Safety  Use information to verify and consolidate duplicated accounts in T2, respond to appeals, adjust citations, and manage user access. Section 32(a)
Parking Officer  Use information to verify and consolidate duplicated accounts in T2, respond to appeals, adjust citations, and manage user access. Section 32(a)
Security Officer Use information to verify paid parking status and issue citations.  Section 32(a)
Admin Assistant  Use information to verify and consolidate duplicated accounts in T2, respond to appeals, adjust citations, and manage user access. Section 32(a)
NSC Lead Administrators Use information to create customer accounts and assign NSC permits.  Section 32(a)
NSC Customer Service Representatives  Read only access to customer accounts and permit status.  Section 32(a)
Cashier’s Office Employees  Process some payments and mark citations as paid.  Section 32(a)
Disclosure of Personal Information

UNBC has an ISA with ICBC whereby license plate numbers are disclosed to ICBC and customer name and address are disclosed back to UNBC. 

If there is an emergency involving vehicles, information may be disclosed to the RCMP or emergency services. 

Storage of Personal Information  T2 is a SaaS with information stored in the United States. Physical forms are stored in a locked filing cabinet. 
Personal Information Bank (PIB)  This initiative does result in a personal information bank. 
Common or Integrated Initiative No, as required by section 69(5.4) of FOIPPA and defined in Schedule 1: Definitions.         
Accuracy and Correction  Follow this link for information on how to request a correction of your personal information.

Collection Notice 

ICBC notice displayed in parking lots:

For the purpose of collecting unpaid parking fees and/or violation fees in respect of a vehicle parked on this lot, the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia will provide the name and address of the registered owner of the vehicle to the operator of this lot and its agents.

UNBC collection notice:

Your personal information is being collected in order to process your payment for parking, notify you when your parking time will expire, and resolve any citations or appealed citations. The University of Northern British Columbia is authorized to collect this information under section 26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. If you have any questions about the collection of your personal information, please contact parking@unbc.ca

Department  Initiative Lead  Contact Email 
Northern Sport Centre Manager, Northern Sport Centre David.Thomas@unbc.ca

PIA Description

Vermont Systems is the vendor behind WebTrac and RecTrac, the Northern Sport Centre’s member registration and management software. 

Information Collected or Created Reason for Collection or Creation  FOIPPA Authorization 
Name For new member registration, assigning key fobs, and booking sports and facilities. Section 26(c)
Student ID For new member registration, assigning key fobs, and booking sports and facilities. Section 26(c)
Phone number For sending notification of activities or in an emergency. Section 26(c)
Email address For sending notification of activities or in an emergency. Section 26(c)
Physical address For billing members.  Section 26(c)
Void cheque/PAD form For billing members. Section 26(c)
Date of birth To register new members. Section 26(c)
Picture of member For identification purposes at the facility.  Section 26(c)
Emergency contact information  For emergency contact. Section 26(c)
Users How information is used  FOIPPA Authorization 
Manager, Northern Sport Centre  View membership and reports. Section 32(a)
Administrative Coordinator, NSC Register a member, update & cancel membership, book services, generate membership report. Section 32(a)
Programming Coordinator, NSC Register a member, update & cancel membership, book services, generate membership report. Section 32(a)
Coordinator Membership Services, NSC Register a member, update & cancel membership, book services, generate membership report. Section 32(a)
Booking and Events Coordinator Register a member, update & cancel membership, book services, generate membership report. Section 32(a)
Admin Assistant, NSC Register a member, update & cancel membership, book services, generate membership report, handle banking information for Finance processing. Section 32(a)
Customer Service Team Lead Register a member, update & cancel membership, book services, generate membership report. Section 32(a)
Customer Service Representatives Register a member, update & cancel membership, book services. Section 32(a)
Manager, Treasury Services Receives banking information in order to process preauthorized debit payments. Section 32(a)
Disclosure of Personal Information This initiative does not involve the disclosure of personal information. 
Storage of Personal Information  All information is stored on UNBC managed infrastructure. Information is stored in Canada. 
Personal Information Bank (PIB)  This initiative does result in a personal information bank.
Common or Integrated Initiative No, as required by section 69(5.4) of FOIPPA and defined in Schedule 1: Definitions.         
Accuracy and Correction  Follow this link for information on how to request a correction of your personal information.

Collection Notice 

The Northern Sport Centre is collecting your personal information in order to register you as a member. For any questions about the collection of your personal information, contact david.thomas@unbc.ca. The Northern Sport Centre is authorized to collect this information under section 26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Department  Initiative Lead  Contact Email 
Office of Research and Innovation AVP, Strategy and Outreach  Mark.Barnes@unbc.ca

PIA Description

Global Philanthropic has been engaged by UNBC to assist with planning and implementing a fundraising campaign. This initiative includes reviewing historic fundraising trends as well as engaging with internal and external stakeholders to identify needs and giving appetite. 

Information Collected or Created Reason for Collection or Creation  FOIPPA Authorization 
Same data set as PIA 23-08 Data set is an existing personal information bank.  N/A
Constituent survey results Engage with constituents to determine their appetite for giving and initiatives they would be interested in supporting. Section 26(d)
Internal party survey results Engage with internal parties to determine funding gaps and fundraising priorities.  Section 26(e)
Users How information is used  FOIPPA Authorization 
Office of Research and Innovation staff Access Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge when they work with donor relations.  Section 32(a)
AVP, Strategy and Outreach Responsible for managing access to Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge.  Section 32(a)
Disclosure of Personal Information Information located in Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge and survey results will be disclosed to Global Philanthropic.
Storage of Personal Information  Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge uses Microsoft Azure servers to store information. Information is stored outside of Canada. 
Personal Information Bank (PIB)  This initiative does not result in a personal information bank. It involves accessing an existing personal information bank. 
Common or Integrated Initiative No, as required by section 69(5.4) of FOIPPA and defined in Schedule 1: Definitions.         
Accuracy and Correction  Follow this link for information on how to request a correction of your personal information.

Department  Initiative Lead  Contact Email 
Office of Equity and Inclusion Manager, Equity and Inclusion edi@unbc.ca 

PIA Description

This initiative involves conducting a survey, running focus groups, and hosting one on one sessions to identify systemic barriers to career progression at UNBC. This initiative will target exempt staff, chairs, and CUPE employees in a supervisory position. The collected information will be used to develop a strategy to overcome identified barriers and to inform future EDI programs.

Information Collected or Created Reason for Collection or Creation  FOIPPA Authorization 
Position at UNBC Information will be collected to develop a strategy to address systemic barriers to career progression.  Section 26(c)
Age group Information will be collected to develop a strategy to address systemic barriers to career progression.  Section 26(c)
Gender identity  Information will be collected to develop a strategy to address systemic barriers to career progression.  Section 26(c)
Indigenous status  Information will be collected to develop a strategy to address systemic barriers to career progression.  Section 26(c)
Minority status  Information will be collected to develop a strategy to address systemic barriers to career progression.  Section 26(c)
Disability status  Information will be collected to develop a strategy to address systemic barriers to career progression.  Section 26(c)
Opinion on current inclusion initiatives Information will be collected to develop a strategy to address systemic barriers to career progression.  Section 26(c)
Opinion on current inclusion culture  Information will be collected to develop a strategy to address systemic barriers to career progression.  Section 26(c)
Opinion on future inclusion initiatives Information will be collected to develop a strategy to address systemic barriers to career progression.  Section 26(c)
Opinion on career progression opportunities  Information will be collected to develop a strategy to address systemic barriers to career progression.  Section 26(c)
Opinion on career progression barriers  Information will be collected to develop a strategy to address systemic barriers to career progression.  Section 26(c)
Users How information is used  FOIPPA Authorization 
Manager, Equity and Inclusion  Oversight, access to survey data, and strategy development.  Section 32(a)
AVP, People, Equity, and Inclusion  Oversight, access to survey data, and strategy development. Section 32(a)
Specialist, Equity and Inclusion  Access to survey data and strategy development.  Section 32(a)
Advisor, Equity and Inclusion  Access to survey data and strategy development. Section 32(a)
Executive Director  Access to the final report and strategy development.  Section 32(a)
President  Access to the final report and strategy development. Section 32(a)
Disclosure of Personal Information Survey answers, focus group results, and one-on-one responses are disclosed to Iconoclast Solutions for data analysis and strategy development. 
Storage of Personal Information  Survey responses are initially stored with Survey Monkey. They are then transferred to on premises storage at UNBC. Information is stored in Canada. 
Personal Information Bank (PIB)  This initiative does not result in a personal information bank. 
Common or Integrated Initiative No, as required by section 69(5.4) of FOIPPA and defined in Schedule 1: Definitions.         
Accuracy and Correction  Follow this link for information on how to request a correction of your personal information.

Collection Notice 

The University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC) is conducting an anonymous Leadership Equity and Engagement Survey to collect demographic and engagement data from exempt leadership and supervisory employees. This initiative aims to better understand UNBC's leadership's engagement levels, needs, and challenges.

This collection is conducted under the authority of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) section 26(c), which governs the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information bodies in British Columbia.

Your input is vital in helping us identify systemic inequities and develop effective strategies for promoting equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility (EDIA) at UNBC. By participating, you will contribute to creating an inclusive environment that meets the needs of UNBC’s leaders.

The information collected will be used to:

  • Analyze the demographic composition of leadership
  • Identify systemic barriers and challenges that leaders may face
  • Inform recommendations to possible strategies and programming to mitigate systemic barriers faced by leaders

Confidentiality and Data Protection: Your privacy is of utmost importance to us. All responses will be kept confidential and will only be reported in aggregate form. No data or responses will be attributed to specific individuals and identifiers will be removed in final reports to protect privacy. Specific surveys responses will not be disclosed to leadership. The data collected will be analyzed to provide recommendations to the larger People, Equity and Inclusion Strategy. The data will be collected by the Office of Equity and Inclusion and analyzed by an independent third-party contractor, Lynette Tremblay from Iconoclast Solutions.

Participation Details:

  • Participation is voluntary, and you may withdraw at any time.
  • The survey will take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete.
  • In-person engagements will also be available for those who wish to provide more detailed input

If You Have Questions: For more information about the Leadership Equity and Engagement Survey, please contact edi@unbc.ca. We appreciate your participation and support in helping UNBC create a more equitable and inclusive environment.

Thank you for your contribution!

Department  Initiative Lead  Contact Email 
Communications and Marketing Director, Communications and Marketing communications@unbc.ca

PIA Description

Sprout Social is a social media management and intelligence tool that UNBC uses to manage conversations and discover insightful analytics. It provides the ability to manage all social channels from a single platform and provides in-depth analytics to understand how the UNBC brand is performing on social media. 

Information Collected or Created Reason for Collection or Creation  FOIPPA Authorization 
Social media engagement metrics Collected to provide insight on social media campaign and marketing effectiveness.  Section 26(c)
Analytical elements  Collected to inform digital marketing campaigns and organic social media campaign development.  Section 26(c)
Social media usernames / contact information Collected when individuals choose to engage with UNBC managed social media. Section 26(c)
Social media direct messages  Collected when individuals choose to engage with UNBC managed social media. Section 26(c)
Users How information is used  FOIPPA Authorization 
Director, Communications and Marketing  Use analytical information and engagement information to determine social media campaign and marketing effectiveness and to inform future planning. Will respond to direct messages as appropriate by providing information or directing individuals to resources. Section 32(a)
Manager, Communications  Use analytical information and engagement information to determine social media campaign and marketing effectiveness and to inform future planning. Will respond to direct messages as appropriate by providing information or directing individuals to resources. Section 32(a)
Communications Officers Use analytical information and engagement information to determine social media campaign and marketing effectiveness and to inform future planning. Will respond to direct messages as appropriate by providing information or directing individuals to resources. Section 32(a)
Marketing Officers  Use analytical information and engagement information to determine social media campaign and marketing effectiveness and to inform future planning. Will respond to direct messages as appropriate by providing information or directing individuals to resources. Section 32(a)
Disclosure of Personal Information This initiative does not involve third party disclosure. 
Storage of Personal Information  Sprout Social is a SaaS with servers hosted in the United States.
Personal Information Bank (PIB)  This initiative does not result in a personal information bank. 
Common or Integrated Initiative No, as required by section 69(5.4) of FOIPPA and defined in Schedule 1: Definitions.         
Accuracy and Correction  Follow this link for information on how to request a correction of your personal information.