Terms of Reference


The Fees Committee reviews all University fee changes, including, but not limited to, changes to full-time and part-time graduate and undergraduate student tuition and ancillary fees, library fees, late payment penalties, Residence fees, and parking fees. The University and the Fees Committee do not review fees set by student bodies as these bodies are independent of University administration.

The Fees Committee works closely with the Finance Department to monitor the overall effect of fee changes. Senior administrators who are members of the Committee are responsible for informing their constituents of the recommendations of the Committee as they related to their areas of operations.

The Fees Committee is advisory to the President, who then approves and recommends the proposed fees schedule to the Board.

Once the fees schedule is approved by the Board, the Registrar ensures that fee changes, particularly those requiring Calendar entry, are implemented and that students receive current and correct information on fees. The Finance Department implements the fee changes in the accounts.

Fee Proposal Form

Objectives / Ends

  • Review applications for changes to existing fees
  • Review applications for new fees
  • Reasonable
  • Fair
  • Impacts on students, programs, and departments
  • Recognize market forces
  • Entertain submissions from interested parties and stakeholders
  • Administer the requirements of provincial tuition cap, if in force


The Board of Governors has the following powers as given by the University Act, Section 27 (2):

  1. to set, determine and collect the fees
  2. to be paid for instruction, research and all other activities in the university,
  3. for extramural instruction,
  4. for public lecturing, library fees, and laboratory fees,
  5. for examinations, degrees and certificates,
  6. for the use of any student or alumni organization in charge of student or alumni activities, and
  7. for the building and operation of a gymnasium or other athletic facilities;

to pay over

  1. the fees collected for a student or alumni organization that the organization may request, and
  2. in accordance with section 27.1, the fees collected for a student society or a provincial or national student organization;


  • University Registrar (Chair)
  • Senior Academic Budget and Planning Officer (to represent the Provost)
  • NUGSS Representative
  • GSS Representative
  • University Librarian
  • 2 of 5 Faculty Deans
  • Director of Business Services
  • Chief Information Officer
  • Vice-President, Finance & Administration
  • Director, Finance (non-voting)
  • Controller Finance (non-voting)
  • Executive Assistant, University Registrar & Senior Director, Enrolment Management & Strategy (recording secretary)