Centre for Indigenous Studies: Objectives and Organization


To create a vibrant, active, sustainable, and culture-centred approach to Indigenous Studies at UNBC that unites, harnesses, and fosters the institution’s many strengths and expertise. A Centre provides an exciting initiative and opportunity to build a strong, cohesive, and supportive community of scholars and allies across the university and its four campuses – one committed to meaningful action and change, striving to Indigenize and Decolonize in our commitment to Reconciliation.

The creation of a Centre for Indigenous Studies aligns directly with UNBC’s commitment to Indigenous communities in meeting the mandates of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action and the recommendations of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. A Centre also creates new and strengthened educational opportunities for faculty, students, and communities, which address UNBC’s goals for improving the student experience, improving recruitment and retention, and increasing the number of Indigenous faculty and students. With its scholarly focus and mandate, moreover, a Centre will complement the student-oriented role served by the First Nations Centre, in addition to the governance and policy mission led by the incoming Associate Vice-President, Indigenous.


The creation of an interdisciplinary, scholarly Centre aims to support Indigenous programming at UNBC through the four pillars of students, academics, research, and community – with dedicated and coordinated contributions from disciplines/programs across UNBC’s five Faculties, the Division of Medical Sciences, and the University Library. One main goal is to introduce an institutional structure and collaborative governance model intended to facilitate and strengthen the University’s attentiveness to – and comprehensive delivery of – Indigenous education priorities, academic programming at the undergraduate and graduate levels, in full commitment also to the institution’s strategic priorities and founding principles/pillars.

Organizational Structure

The Centre is being proposed in partial response to the growing educational needs and opportunities emerging in First Nations Studies, at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Its creation would elevate the departmental structure into a much larger, pan-institutional Centre framework, which will offer more administrative support, create broader teaching opportunities, capacity, and scope, and ultimately grow and strengthen Indigenous programming at UNBC while delivering high-quality and consistent educational opportunities to our students.

The Centre supports and grows the degrees (BA, MA), certificates, and diplomas in First Nations Studies through a coordinated effort across the University to strengthen Indigenous programming, expand research and teaching expertise, and increasing capacity to be more attentive and responsive to community education needs across the regions that UNBC serves.

The Centre provides an academic home for Indigenous Studies with a strong foundation and room to grow across the institution and its four campuses. 


The Centre will be Indigenous led. It will be administered by an Academic Director, whose principal duties (among others) will include leading, building, and supporting the Centre and its members; fundraising; building and fostering relationships both inside and outside the institution; teaching planning and allocation; recruiting new faculty and staff; and more.


The Centre is a concept whose realization and success depends on the engagement and participation of many people across our campuses. Starting with full-time UNBC faculty, the Centre will provide the opportunity for broader collaboration and inclusion of associate members from among the academic and non-academic communities.