To submit a janitorial request, please click Service Requests and select your location.
Facilities Management is responsible for administering a service contract for janitorial services to all buildings within the Prince George Campus. The current janitorial services provider is Sodexo Canada.
Services provided:
Washrooms & Shower Rooms
- Daily checks - refill stock, clean up messes, remove garbage as needed
- Nightly deep clean - garbage removal, refill stock, clean toilets/urinals, sweep & mop floor, clean sinks, taps, mirrors, counter tops, spot clean partitions/walls
- Monthly - wash partitions top to bottom, high dusting
Classrooms / Labs / Lecture Theatres
- Nightly - garbage removal, erase blackboards/whiteboards (unless marked 'Please Leave On - PLO'), reset chairs, spot sweep/wash/vacuum, refill paper towel/hand soap, spot wash desks/tables/counters/sinks if clear
- Weekly - clean chalkboards/whiteboards edge to edge & ledge, wash desks/tables/counters/sinks edge to edge if clear, sweep/wash/vacuum edge to edge
- Monthly - clean window ledges
- Yearly & on Request - strip/wax floors, clean carpets
- **Please note: Due to the complex nature of cleaning in labs, lab cleaning may be led by direction of the SLI's. Labs with restricted access are cleaned on request.
There is NO Daily cleaning in any offices. Disposal of food waste in office garbage's is discouraged. It is recommended that food/wet waste be disposed of in a compost bin (if applicable) or in a common area garbage for pest control & hygienic reasons.
- Garbage is removed on Thursdays for buildings with only one level. Some cleaning zones are too large to be done in one day so the collection is split:
- 1st floor - Mondays
- 2nd floor - Tuesdays
- 3rd floor - Wednesdays
- 4th floor - Thursdays
- Floors are cleaned on the day garbage is removed
- Interior windows/ledges (up to 10 feet) cleaned as required
- Janitorial does not clean desktops or cabinets
- Vacant offices deep cleaned on request
Common Areas / Elevators
- Disinfect / clean touch surfaces
- Garbage removal
- Vacuum entrance matts
- Clean out elevator tracks
- Sweep & spot clean floors and stairwells
- Spot clean lounge area tables
- Spot clean walls & windows (up to 10 ft)
- Sweep & wash stairwells
- Dust ledges & railings
- Detail sweep & wash floors
- Wipe down soft seating & tables
- Daily - garbage removal, check/refill stock, spot clean sinks & counters if clear, spot clean walls & floors
- Weekly - Detail clean sinks & counters if clear, wash floors
Additional Services (fee for service $28.50/hr)
- Special events and/or projects cleaning ie. weddings & conferences
- Contact Facilities Management to determine if a request will have an additional fee